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*Bikram Yoga® is a registered trademark of Bikram Choudhury.


Here's what other happy subscribers are saying!

"Thanks for the email on backbends! Its made a HUGE difference in my practice!"


"Gabrielle, I just wanted to commend you on your great website and the updates - I really appreciate them and they give great insight into poses that make you think and reconsider whether I am doing my poses correctly."


"Hello Gabrielle, so interesting (as usual!) that I had immediatly to stand up and to experiment what you say about rotation, and I could feel it somehow. I really must read it again more precisely, and I long for the second message. Many thanks"


"I can not tell you enough, how much I enjoy learn and look forward to e-mails from you."


"Hi Gabrielle - You should know that my practice has improved just reading some of your guidance in the forum. Also, I watched your video on rolling the arms back. I can't wait to try it in class!

-Michelle B