Click here to discuss Ardha Chandrasana – Half Moon Pose in the forum
- Helps awaken and limber up the skeletal and muscular systems
- Opens shoulder joints
- Good for frozen shoulder
- Reduces or eliminates pain in the lower back
- Stretches the muscles in the torso
- Trims and tones the abdomen
- Improves and strengthens muscles in the central part of the body
- Increases flexibility and strength of core, gluteal, deltoid and trapezius muscles
- Increases flexibility of the spine
- Tones the spinal nerves and abdominal organs improving the working of the bowels
- Helps with sciatic problems
- Alleviates anxiety and reduces mental stress
- Movement encourages massage of many organs including colon, pancreas, kidneys
- Improves respiratory tone and function
- Firms and trims waistline, hips, abdomen, arms, buttocks and thighs
- Lift your chin parallel to the floor
- Lift your breastbone so your chest stays open and breathing is easier
- Relaxed neck and shoulders is far more important than straight locked out arms
Check that you:
- Keep your shoulders away from your ears … always!