Colds and Sinitus

Colds and Sinitus2014-03-14T17:20:25+00:00
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  • saddyman
    Post count: 1

    Just recently (past 90 days) I am experiencing an abnormal amount of colds and sinus issues. Lately is appears to be directly related to my Hot Yoga classes. For the past 2 1/2 months I am experiencing a cold and or sinus issues the day after a hot yoga class. I have been attending Hot Yoga for one year and did not have this issue before. I attend classes 5-6 times a week but lately each time I go to class I experience a cold or sinus issues immediately the next day causing me to now only go every other day.

    I have been a gym rat for 10 years and NEVER got sick! I can’t definitely say this is caused by Hot Yoga, although, it is very clear this is what is causing the issues. HELP! What do you know about this? I have seen several older posts from many member with the same issues and concerns however they date back years.

    Is the studio causing this? Is there something that has happened to my immune system from Hot Yoga? What the heck is going on?

    Post count: 70

    My guess would be the maybe if the studio is not cleaned properly and there are lots of bacteria in the room it might be breeding in the nice toasty/moist air and infecting your sinuses…

    If you don’t already, you also might try a nasal cleanse before and after your class with a neti pot. It’s nasty but well worth the adventure…LOL!

    Just my thoughts…Hard to tell.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Scott

    I agree with Helen. It does seem that there might be a hygiene issue at your studio.

    Does the studio in question have hard floors or carpet?
    Have you noticed a smell in the studio? How would you describe it?

    There is always going to be a slightly sweaty smell if your class closely follows a hot class minutes before. Some studios do not smell if they have been amply aired or if ventilation is optimal.

    You would be able to test this hypothesis by either finding another hot yoga studio to practise in at least once or twice or doing a class at home (heated of course to a reasonable level – it doesn’t have to be super high). It’s probably worth the experimentation.

    Let me know about your studio. See you back here 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3


    I have the same issues and the studio that I go is very clean!

    i think my immune system is very weak and will have to do yoga but not anymore hot yoga

    evrytime that I go there the next day I’m on bed with a cold or flu for several day and the fatigue is terrible.


    i tried everything and no ones not what can be.

    i hope you can help me!! Please

    thank u carolina

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Carolina

    When you say you get sick each time you go to yoga, do you mean every single time you go you end up in bed for several days? How many times have you been to yoga where this has happened? Have there been times when you have not experienced this?

    You could be experiencing heat exhaustion.

    What other stressors do you have in your life at the moment?

    Are you perimenopausal?

    It’s worth exploring as many provisional things as possible!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Thank you for tour answer.

    I’m not that I know I’m perimenospausal but I will check with my doctor.

    i only do yoga and when I started was in one studio that was heat only at 85 not more .

    this studio is heat more the 95 every time .

    since I started there I push myself but now I stop going because I got sick .

    i will try to do not hot yoga and see how this work for me.


    thank you


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Carolina

    Another few questions for you. If you go to yoga and the following day you have a ‘cold or flu’ and that happens without fail, then I need to ask how many hours after class do you feel sick? Are you sick immediately after? Do you maybe feel sick during class? Or is there a period of time that you’re feeling perfectly fine and then you feel sick?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3


    during the class I feel tired and really I push myself a lot also I drink a lot of water and sweet , I stop a little and continuos .


    after a few hour a start to get really tired and the next day I feel sick with a cold !!

    i will go to check myself with a doctor next week and see why is that.

    in the beginner I tough because I get out of the hot room and go straight to my home without change clothes ! But NOT ! I started to changed clothes and dry my hair too and still happens !

    I was reading that maybe drink only water is not enough ! I will try to during Gatore or vitamin C , to see was is going on .

    thank you for asking me !


    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Carolina

    There are several possible reasons (here are 4 but there are more):

    1> The temperature in the studio is too high for your system. Maybe you have some ‘heat exhaustion’ (look that up).

    2> You need electrolytes. Try putting a pinch of sea salt in your water. You can flavour that with a few drops of lemon juice if you like. Drink that during class.

    3> You are trying too hard. It’s hard to tell. I appreciate that English is not your first language. You say you work hard. That’s good. But sometimes students can work too hard and not listen to their bodies. Work firstly on keeping a smooth breath. Make it only as deep as the pose will allow you. If, for example, you are in a backbend, your breaths won’t be as deep as when you’re lying on your back. Just use your breath to determine if you’re needing to not go as deeply into the poses. Breath is first, Alignment is next. Then Depth is the last thing you should go for. Alignment and smooth breath are much more important.

    4> The studio hygiene might not be optimal. It’s possible you are getting an infection there.

    What makes you think your immune system is weak? Do you have a condition?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 1

    Hi Gabrielle: So glad you are still here! I was initially searching a forum that was older. I, too, came looking for answers to post hot yoga sinusitis. Reading the previous forums on this was quite interesting. I have recently recommitted to yoga practice and have been taking hot yoga classes. Hot – meaning warm likely no more than about 85 degrees. I take hour-long classes only, I take it slow and hydrate and modify and rest when necessary. I have taken class at three different studios in two states. I, like a previous poster on this topic, am 51, and have experienced some perimenopausal mood symptoms, mostly alleviated through supplements. I recently took a hot (ter) yoga class at a new studio. It felt great!! But by the next day, I had the weak/flu/sinus symptoms others have reported. I did not realize at the time I took the class that my period was imminent and that historically diminishes my immune system. So that may be a factor. But there is another that may be the key for some and that is allergies. Although there is a family history I never had them until adulthood. I am more prone to respiratory/sinusitis issues as an adult. I had ice cream and egg nog prior to taking the class, and the heavy dairy that is not the norm could also have contributed. So it may have been a perfect storm of sinus-producing issues. It could also be the heat (although I so hope not…I enjoy the hot(ter) classes. I had this happen after a yoga class some years ago as well any my ENT at the time suggested nasal spray before class. It don’t think it’s necessarily studio hygiene issues – although it could be an issue of varying air filters/environmental issues of different kinds at various studious or that for some of us, more heat predisposes us to more sensitivity to allergens. I should stress that this has not been an issue in the other studios that are not as hot. But some years back I went regularly to a hot (ter) studio and had no problems except that one time. So could be a combo of things that only trial and error going forward will resolve. I do appreciate  the tips about coconut water and electrolytes and will try those in hotter classes. Very glad I found this site!

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