Cubital Tunnel Syndrome – help

Cubital Tunnel Syndrome – help2009-06-26T06:38:47+00:00
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  • eldridge2m
    Post count: 2

    Gabrielle thanks for your forum and your incredible products – what a great book and I was surprised how quickly it arrived.

    Started Bikram Yoga at local school here in New Hampshire beginning of April and went almost everyday – in May I wasn’t able to go as much so purchased your program so I could keep doing it at home on the days I couldn’t go to class.

    Unfortunately four weeks ago – after working excessive hours on my computer, my left hand pinky finger and ring finger went numb and always felt like it was asleep. After two weeks and it not going away, doing some research discovered I have Cubital Tunnel Syndrome. Haven’t been too classes or used your materials yet, because at first prior to my discovering what the challenge was – didn’t know if the Yoga classes would aggravate it more or not. Went though your book, but didn’t find anything that addressed this challenge.

    Do you have any recommendations on modifying any of the poses for my condition? Thanks
    Mark Eldridge

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Mark

    Thank you! :cheese:

    You know, this is the first time that I have ever been asked about this syndrome. And I imagine that it is one of those things that people will increasingly complain of, given the provenance of this condition: keyboard use etc! wink

    It seems that the strength training (of your forearms particularly) and the stretches that your practice provides should be what ‘the doctor orders’ to help you rehabilitate.

    I guess it would be worth doing some stretches outside of the room if you are up to it. You obviously want to avoid aggravating it. Does your computer work continue to aggravate it? How about particular poses? I was wondering if Eagle pose was bothering you.

    It seems that the repositioning of the nerve slipping over the medial epicondyle at the elbow can be the culprit. This is sometimes in the realm of a talented body worker or masseur who can help you get form and function to work together.

    Just wondering what other info you can give me if you think anything else is relevant.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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