Excessive sweating during exercise OUTSIDE of yoga

Excessive sweating during exercise OUTSIDE of yoga2013-07-14T14:15:54+00:00
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  • its.anna
    Post count: 1


    I’ve been doing hot yoga for about a year now and I have noticed some great improvements in my general health and wellbeing. I feel that I am now fairly good at it, although I am definitely no athlete, I don’t think I am unfit. I sweat a lot during class, but I don’t think anymore than the very good yogis. However, I’ve noticed when I do other types of exercise (which honestly is not often), e.g. netball, I sweat a lot more than one would expect.

    I actually did a hike about a week ago and it was quite cool, about 10 degrees C (?) I sweated excessively. It was dripping down my nose and chin, my hair was drenched, it looked like I had poured a glass of water on my head (keeping in mind I don’t have the thickest of hair). At best the other hikers had a bit of sweat on their brow and a bit under their armpits (I would say this included both fit and unfit people). When we reached the summit, all my sweating seemed counterproductive as I quickly became very cold. But more then anything, it was really embarrassing!! :-S

    My friend said she noticed she sweated more when she did a bit of hot yoga. I have not had a problem with this kind of sweating before I started hot yoga. Perhaps I’m being silly, but I now shy away from doing exercise outside of class because I’m scared of the sweat. My friends poke fun at me about it …haha how mean!!

    Is this normal? Should I be concerned? Is there a way to stop/reduce this? Should I even see a doctor??

    jonny sarasana
    Post count: 12

    i can relate to ruining a perfectly dry shirt by simply walking down the street on a nice day… yesterday i was drenched just mowing the lawn… i wasnt even breathing hard… it sucks to be the sweaty girl but it’s normal for me… chalk it up to a super efficient cooling system… it is what it is :/

    Post count: 3

    I recently attempted a 30 day challenge as an introduction to bikram hotyoga. I am 53 years old, and had not experienced any significant issues with menopause. At about Day 8 I noticed that I was getting hot flushes including excessive sweating and night sweats. I remember sitting with a girlfriend over coffee and proceeding to tell her about it when it happened…a hot flush…prickling feeling and then sweat started pouring down my forehead and my armpits immediately became drenched. My friend was shocked..and asked if I thought it was menopause. I asked another friend who was a yoga instructor and has practiced yoga for 30 odd years…although not bikram hot yoga. She suggested I ease off…and if these symptoms continued…to seek some homeopathic advice…I must add that I also asked my hotyoga instructor…who said it might pay to ease off as well….So, after 17 days I decided to take a break…for a week…and then to ease back into my bikram hotyoga practice at 3 or 4 sessions per week….the hot flushes have gone…I’m not sure whether this helps with your situation…but I am not a person that normally sweats except when doing strenuous activity…so we have that in common…I have my own theory which works for me….I think that my body would remember the intensity of the heat and something would trigger me to have a hot flush and sweating…like drinking coffee…I think now that my body is becoming attuned to it…so is settling down….

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hello Anna, Jonny and Shaz

    What an interesting discussion! Anna, please give us an update. Can you please indicate how many times per week you practise? Is it possible you are peri-menopausal? What age are you?

    I would certainly be interested to know what changes to your practice could be affecting how you sweat outside of class.

    This is very useful to so many thousands of women. So before I go asking anymore questions, please come back so we can continue

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Hmm well…it’s been a good few weeks and I have settled down into a routine of 4 bikram hotyoga sessions per week…I had my first hot flush last night for a long time…but this was extreme! it was like being in the middle of a class with sweat running down my nose and forming puddles on the floor..It lasted about a minute and I don’t know what triggered it…but nothing today…sooo…I will just see how it goes …but have decided to look into natural and homeopathic solutions…to ease the symptoms if nothing else….

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Shaz

    Maca powder is said to be good. Do some research and see what you think. It’s natural. You can add it to drinks, even uncook with it in raw desserts.

    I am happy that something seems to be working to slow down the issue. That’s good news.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 3

    Thank you,

    Yes, have heard of Maca powder…others in my studio take it as well…and I’m looking forward to the other benefits I’ve been told that it brings..:)

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