I’ve received conflicting corrections on this pose and would like to know if anyone has a good answer. I can curl into a ball and grip my elbows, but my back rounds and my butt and low back stay way up in the air once my head, neck and shoulders get back to the floor. If I take a looser forearm/wrist grip my butt comes down so that most of my back is contacting the floor.
When I do the posture with the ‘right grip’ I can often feel a pressure on one of my vertebra on the floor, not pain just pressure.
When I do the posture with the loose grip, I don’t get that. I might be getting more hip stretch, but its hard to tell as my hips are pretty open.
I tend to think that pressure I feel in my back with the tight grip is helping to straighten my spine so that I can eventually get full grip with butt on floor, but maybe I’m wrong.