I have knee pain during standing separate knee stretching. Especially when I spread my legs further apart.
Posted by christian on 01/21 at 08:58 PM
Hello Christian
You seem to have answered your own question 😉
I don’t know how flexible you are but if you have a straight back and straight legs in this pose then you must make sure your quadriceps muscles are well clenched.
My intuition however, tells me that you need to step out less far, bend your legs and keep your back straight.
I have a full explanation at: Opening Up Your Hamstrings In Hot Yoga which is an answer to a similar question. It has photos too!
You should NEVER have knee pain in any of your poses (as distinct from knee discomfort).
Gabrielle 🙂
PS this whole posting is repeated in the ‘Knees Legs and Ankles’ forum