New Teacher Pay rate per class

New Teacher Pay rate per class2012-07-14T22:39:23+00:00
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  • ep_flu
    Post count: 1

    Hi I am thinking of taking a 200 hr hot yoga or Bikram training
    My question is the process of interview audition and getting hired and getting paid once I complete the training and getting a job teaching yoga.
    Can you provide a basic class rate for working in the USA? and time line framework for what to expect?

    Again as a new yoga teacher with a 200 Hr training certificate,
    What can I expect to get paid per class and when can I expect to be paid?
    Do I intern; if so how long? And is the internship paid or free for a specific period of time, etc?
    Once I have “time” in the room what can I expect my pay class rate to be?
    How much time is required to get a regular class and at what rate?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Ep

    Thank you very much for your questions. The rates are a little different depending on where you are in the world. I know that people in the US can be paid from $35 up to $100 per 90 min class. I know that people in Australia get paid $50-$100 for the same class. I am not sure of the upper limits.

    Then there are many differences between styles of yoga and sizes of studios (and the cities they’re in). The busier the studios the more students then it’s more likely to be paid more. That’s a generalised rule.

    You have a couple of questions about interning. Have you approached a studio? After a training you should really be able to teach. Hopefully you can choose a training that gives you great foundational skills (that are NOT based on script reciting) that has you teaching well enough that you could even go out on your own if you chose to, right after your program.

    There are a lot of hot yoga studios around the world who – following some kind of bikram culture norm – seem to EXPECT that new teachers give a certain amount of time for free. Is this what you’ve heard or been told firsthand? I would like to know.

    I have a very strong belief about paying people for teaching for me. If I am putting a lot of energy into someone’s development then it stands to reason that the pay would be less.

    I also strongly believe that there should never be a longstanding arrangement where teaching is done for free. Perhaps one free class is acceptable. So, no, I don’t believe in ‘doing time’ for free. There has to be a strong reciprocal arrangement where everybody feels valued.

    Standards need to be quantified somehow and agreed upon. Good quality feedback needs to be given and received. For example at my teacher training course I teach a specific kind of feedback. On the other hand I have heard that the feedback some people get after giving a free class is “thanks” or sometimes nothing, and sometimes nothing useful to grow their skills. Don’t settle for situations like that.

    I am not clear on your last question. Would you care to elaborate? 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

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