pain in the knees

pain in the knees2013-03-11T19:36:08+00:00
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  • penny.v
    Post count: 1


    I am 23 years old, exercising regularly, I have started bikram yoga 5 days ago and I did two classes. Especially after the 2nd class, my knees were quite sore the next day. I have experienced light pains in my knees about 2 years ago (the orthopedist said I just have a sensitivity in my knees and no serious problems), but they have been fine for the past year. Since the pain is specifically due to yoga, do you think I should continue? I have been reading your forum and I am thinking that maybe I am not locking my knee properly. I am very sceptic about the possibility of causing any serious damage to my knees if I continue.. I would appreciate an experienced opinion, as I cannot decide whether I should keep practising or leave it. I like it a lot!

    Thank you,

    Post count: 103

    I have been practicing for several years and have the same kind of issue. I just do not force myself in these postures. They can take years to master.

    I find myself in fact just standing still a lot of the time and just focusing on my breath.

    Standing head to knee in particular is one of the toughest postures for me.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Penny

    It’s not unusual for knees to experience some soreness. There are many factors involved. Yes it could be because you’re using them differently. It could be because of your knee-locking technique. It could be because of your posture and alignment. There would always be something you could improve. And what effects your knees could also be outside of that location.

    Can you please go and see this video and see if any of the concepts resonate for you? It’s called

    Great Posture From The Ground Up. Another good piece of online work to check out by somebody I know is called Locking the Knee in Bikram Yoga.

    When you’ve taken a look at both of these and pondered how they may fit in with you or not, come back. Honestly, at this moment in time you have not given me any cause to believe you would have to give your yoga up!

    Gabrielle 🙂

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