Quad/knee tendonitis and Hoffa syndrome- help!

Quad/knee tendonitis and Hoffa syndrome- help!2015-12-02T17:11:45+00:00
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  • emarie
    Post count: 5


    After 3 years of steady 4-5 class practice, I have developed a persistent, painful, overuse injury. Quad tendonitis, at the insertion point of quad right over my left outer kneecap, and Hoffa’s syndrome: severe swelling of the nerve/fat pad in-between the tibia and fibula upon flexion. I developed the tendonitis right after (as a response to?) the Hoffa’s.

    Tried doctors, acupuncture, diet, supplements, knee straps. The only thing that has helped is stopping practice completely for 2 months. I’m healthy, thin, great endurance with strong body balance and awareness, veggie diet, with average flexibility. I had a hard, strong practice, not necessarily super bendy, prone to tight hips, calves, ITB, but still pretty ok. I have some tracking kneecap issues too.

    I switched studios (less strenuous heat, more empathetic, less militant teachers) and tried to begin a practice again, being super careful, kind to myself, and making sure to go for alignment and retraining my knee again not to hyperextend. After 2 weeks of feeling ok, the quad insertion pain came back last night again with a vengeance.

    What to do?? I know I need rest with this type of injury, but I’m really suffering from not being able to practice what I love. It helps tremendously with my depression, self-confidence, and social network. I can’t get to a point where I can begin a steady practice without re-injury.

    I’m icing, heating, elevating, the usual. Everyone has touted this as a practice as a knee healer, but for me, it’s completely wrecked mine.

    It’s not necessarily pinpointed to any posture, (awkward series is totally out), but seems more a cumulative injury that occurs after a buildup of this repetitive practice, not during. Flexion and weight bearing is painful, and certain postures I can feel it over-tweaking. It’s beginning in my other knee as well.

    Any tips? Another month off? I hate to give this up. I used to be able to sprint miles, and now can’t walk down the stairs…:(

    Thanks for reading!



    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by emarie.
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