scoliosis question: how to approach imbalance in sides

scoliosis question: how to approach imbalance in sides2010-07-27T04:59:46+00:00
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  • Lanie
    Post count: 3

    Hi there, I have another question related to scoliosis and wonder if any of you have advice:

    I wonder about how to approach the differences I feel in each
    side….For instance, in the half-moon pose, I feel pretty open when
    stretching to the right. It’s easy for me to keep everything in line (even
    though, from what I know, this is the opposite way that my scoliosis goes in
    my lower back….I think?). But when I stretch to the right, it’s SO much
    harder! I have to really work to get my left shoulder forward and in line
    and I can’t get nearly as far and it feels so cramped–not open! I know that
    I just need to keep at it and slowly, this resistance will open up, but I
    wonder what your opinion is on whether I should work the right side as hard
    as I can then, too? Even though it is easier, should I back off to try to
    “even” out my sides more? What is your opinion on this?

    While the instructors at the studio are great, I haven’t found any that
    really understand scoliosis so much, and I know this is a great practice for
    me, so I want to keep up…Hoping someone on here may be able to offer some advice! Thanks.

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Lanie

    Great question! Don’t worry about creating a visual balance in how your poses look from one side to the other. Go to the point where your alignment is in tact. I had the same issue. First side super easy to get the alignment and the depth. Second side a real challenge and continues to be my more challenging side in Half Moon. I have to be far more vigilant and correct far more often and the corrections are bigger. My hips sometimes don’t seem to stay square. But hey, if it’s like that for you, just keep correcting and breathing.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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