Severe Abdominal Cramping after head to knee

Severe Abdominal Cramping after head to knee2017-10-19T18:29:52+00:00
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  • Becca
    Post count: 7

    I’ve been practicing 5 months now and due to hormone imbalance have excess belly fat so it becomes a challenge in any forward bend.  I am trying to ignore it and use as much pressure as I can to compress.  Today, after the head to knee pose (not during) I suddenly felt MUCH hotter and my lower abdomen began to cramp severely  It involved the entire pelvis.  I laid down on my mat for the remainder of the class and it did not go away.   Only after class driving half way home it let up.   I was concerned I burst something.   Just curious if this is a thing and perhaps I should not push myself for compression?

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