Having completed my 60 day challenge, I’m still going and am up to 72 classes in 74 days – hope to get at least one double in this weekend to catch up…
The last couple of weeks of classes I haven’t seen much in the way of improvement in my poses and I caught myself this past weekend thinking “I haven’t made much progress lately…”
So what happens?
Well, in class last night, in eagle pose, the sides of my feet managed to magically touch the sides of my calves… they weren’t even close the day before… I apparently made enough of a “what the heck just happened?” face that the instructor noticed and said “Wow! Good job, Robert!”
While it wasn’t pretty, my toes did peek up over my head in standing bow for the first time…
I was able to grab both ankles for both sets in floor bow (this has been a tough pose for me)
And my butt actually touched the insides of my heels in fixed firm for the first time.
It ended up being the best class I had had in a while..