I sweat a ton in hot yoga (who doesn’t?!) but the only thing that is really bothersome is the sweat in my eyes and nose. I have very short hair and wear it off my face with a wide bandana or headband. At the end of the class my hair and headband are soaked, literally dripping. Whenever we are in an upside down position, the sweat runs into my eyes and actually up my nose! It’s getting really distracting. My studio is not Bikram, just a general hot yoga studio and doesn’t frown on wiping sweat as needed, but I’m needing to wipe my face and eyes so often it’s distracting me. If I don’t, I feel blinded by the sweat and find I am closing my eyes when I shouldn’t just to keep the sweat out, which often gets me off-balance. Arghh! What to do? Is there a magic headband that can help me?