Teacher Assist Half Tortoise

Teacher Assist Half Tortoise2013-06-15T01:12:24+00:00
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  • gdala.amy
    Post count: 1

    My experience is that in most Bikram classes there is rarely hands on assistance. I see on occasion senior teachers making slight adjustments. I have noticed a handful of times, though very seldom, teachers standing behind a student, holding the students hips to the heels the entire duration of the posture, and following through with a spine extension as the student resumes an upright position. Why is it that teachers don’t do this more often, when it is known that many students struggle keeping hips to heels?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Billy

    Good question. Here is just one answer: There are not enough teachers to do it for everyone! :cheese:

    There are many adjustments that a teacher can make for many of the poses. Some of them help the students. Many do not. Many feel good for the student. Many don’t make a difference. Some adjustments I have seen made are dangerous. Some adjustments make the teacher feel good for helping (even if the nett effect is zero).

    There are several ways a teacher can assist for Half Tortoise pose. The particular action you describe may be of help for somebody whose hips do not even sit on the heels when they are upright – or for the person whose hips rise the moment the arms start to move forward.

    There is little ‘real’ or practical use for the person whose hips just lift a bit at the end of the entry or when they are in the pose, except for the fact that it feels really rather lovely! Yes, I do love it. If somebody puts pressure on the hips at that point you can really feel a good stretch as the body is anchored well.

    It doesn’t necessarily make you get more out of the pose. There is a lot to be said to creating traction without the use of an ‘assist’.

    The question that remains with a move to assist a student that makes them go further (that they couldn’t achieve by themselves) is, why assist and what is the benefit, if the body cannot get there by itself, why help it? Surely that is the intrinsic benefit of the yoga (putting the ego aside and working with what is).

    Some moves to assist are to help alleviate pain or provide some kind of body awareness in rehabilitation or injury. I like to use those!

    Strangely (and perhaps you can confirm this or respond appropriately) most teachers whom I have seen assist students choose their ‘best students’ often leaving the ones who actually need help all alone.

    There you go! A mixed answer to show that assisting can be a benefit or an ego boost. To whom? Ah yes, that is the question. 😆

    I don’t believe in assisting people for the sake of going deeper unless there is a benefit for them in doing so.

    I also believe that the best assistance any teacher can give in a Bikram class is clear, unambiguous, precise instruction (that is not based on ‘that’ script).

    Gabrielle 🙂

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