Tendinitis and Poses

Tendinitis and Poses2014-07-04T21:05:33+00:00
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  • Author
  • Walterfaparicio
    Post count: 2

    Hi there

    I currently am working through medial epicondylitis (golfer elbow) which I may have gotten from doing a poor locust pose or lifting weights improperly. Anyway, I was wondering if there were certain poses other than locust that I should avoid. I feel some soreness from doing half moon pose sometimes. Is that common?
    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Walter

    In order to clarify, would you be able to tell me:
    >> at what times you feel pain (poses, activities)
    >> exactly where you feel the pain
    >> how often you’re lifting weights (are they heavy or lots of reps or ? )
    >> how experienced you are at this yoga, did you have the problem when you started yoga, or do you just notice it’s worse during yoga
    >> if you’re feeling any other related pains. You mention issues in half moon. Is it at the elbow or elsewhere?

    Please be as specific as you can be 🙂

    Thanks! That should get us closer!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Post count: 2

    Hi Gabrielle,

    I have a dull pain in the medial side of my right elbow. It now hurts when I rotate (supinate). I was lifting weights on and off. Not too heavy but I’m not especially experienced with weights. I have now stopped the weights. I noticed the pain in my elbow after I had being going to yoga for several months. Before, I had no problems or pain in my elbow. I began in November and got a bit addicted (I love it!!) and started going three to four times a week. I am not too experienced but I feel like I have come a long way since I first started.

    I should also let you know that I’m a professional pianist and, now, I notice the pain more after I practice my instrument (3-4 hours a day) and it concerned me extra. I feel the playing exacerbates it.

    In half moon pose, I feel I may be forcing the elbow lock and I feel some soreness after it’s over. It’s strange because I feel like the tendons are relaxed in a straight elbow.

    I hope that helps!

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