Unable to manage situps, how can I improve?

Unable to manage situps, how can I improve?2010-11-22T02:22:41+00:00
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  • nick99
    Post count: 2

    Hi, thanks for a great site. I wonder if you can help me get started with situps?

    I did maybe 30 classes before having to quit due to an old herniated back disc injury. During that time although I enjoyed the classes greatly I only was able to manage the situps for two or three classes right at the end. Otherwise my core/stomach muscles simply were not strong enough to pull me up.

    After a successful operation on the disc and a years recovery now I am back to hot yoga (maybe another 20 classes) in a new studio and enjoying it again. It has helped my back tremendously and I am much more flexible and my back is a lot stronger. Very happy! 🙂 However, I can get nowhere near achieving a single situp. Does not seem to matter where I start with my hands.

    One of the teachers suggested that I should not do the situps unless I was able to do them properly…not very helpful. So I wonder, while I persevere in the studio is there any particular strengthening exercise I can do at home so one day I will be able to successfully do the situps? Perhaps maybe just standard beginner situps with careful form, knees bent & arms out towards toes?

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Nick

    I think I have got just the thing for you! 😉 I have a free video in the Resource Center which is a wonderfully gentle way to improve your core strength. It’s called Flatten Your Tummy And Strengthen Your Back.

    There are alternatives to sit-ups that are very safe. I also believe that the ‘normal’ sit-up that most hot yoga and Bikram studios teach is definitely not safe, as it simply has you flinging yourself up off the floor and can actually compromise your back and core in several ways.

    Skip the sit-up for a while longer until you feel more confident to try again. In the meantime I hope you can familiarize yourself with some good techniques.

    I do cover these techniques in detail in the Hot Yoga MasterClass manual and DVDs (see link below in my sig file) and also I have a Pose Tutorial that covers both Sit-Up and Paschimottanasana (Intense Stretch) that would be helpful (and super-detailed).

    Hunt around this forum for sure at first and see how you go. But for sure, you will enjoy the ease and efficiency of the exercise in the video (link above). It’s very popular and you get results fast and it massages your lower back while you are exercising. All good things methinks!

    Gabrielle 🙂

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