Hi Robin
I have a question for you and some homework! Please go and watch the Free Video called “Great Posture From The Ground Up”. That’s your homework. Please apply the feet positioning information. In the majority of cases ankle squeezing can create a problem with balance or impede a sustainable ‘ecological’ balance. So check that out.
Can you tell me if you are aware of where on your feet you are balancing? You see I think most people think of ‘the foot’ rather than the inside, the outside, the front, the back, the inside front of the left foot, the outside front of the right foot or other myriad examples. Obviously one can be quite specific IF one can determine where the weight actually lies. Are you aware for example if your toes are gripping the floor (as is often advised)? What can you tell me about your feet? It may be difficult for you to ascertain because the attention is really taken up with head and arm movement while doing Pranayama, so just do the best you can. 😉
See you soon
Gabrielle 🙂