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  • Coryogi
    Post count: 12
    in reply to: Advanced Series #8678

    Bikram is a form of Hatha Yoga, yes. The 26 postures are picked from the 84 and put into a specific order. Hatha Yoga is a physical yoga, not the chanting, mediative styles. I found that Bikram Yoga has helped start my journey into learning about ALL forms of yoga, a good base in physical postures to start the demands of the rest of the postures. When I’ve asked my instructor about the Advanced series, she recommends most people have a solid practice for about 5 years before they are ready, espically their knees. (and she is a VERY high level insturctor who teaches the Advanced Class regularly) Even the Beginning Bikram Series postures have a full level that most cannot do (myself included) I personally would love to try the advanced class…….once I can Do a full standing splits in standing bow, and make a tear drop shape in bow, and put my head on my feet in camel…… It takes time and practice, and more and more of it =)
    Never having competed, I would assume you would have to do class after class after class while practicing at home and isolationg the postures while doing other exercises like pilates, running, ju-jitsu, weightlifting or anything else to build strength. At least I would =)

    Post count: 12
    in reply to: Mat or Carpet? #8643

    I found it breaking my focus to stop and turn my mat. I practiced for about a year and a half before going to another studio, so I was confused when it happened. I found it bothersome. We stagger, front or back of mat based on the person to your left. It is tougher to start, but personally I like it better with no mat

    Post count: 12

    Wear something comfortable, like stretchy pants. They should be tight fitting so the teachers can see your legs(to tell if you’re locking them right). Drinks lots of water, stretching before hand is good but not necessary, just move around and get loose. Be competitive with yourself, not with others around you(besides, if you start looking around yourfocus and balance is toast). I just try to do better in each set than I did the last. Like the other reply, some things you’ll get right away, some you won’t. But it sure is fun!!

    Post count: 12
    in reply to: Contact lenses #8111

    I stopped wearing mine except for when I go to yoga. You’ll have to take them out after class some time to rest your eyes and re-wet them, eyes and lenses, but in class it’s no big thing. Depending on how blind you are you’ll need them to see in the mirror. Wear them for awhile, then don’t one day and notice the difference.

    Post count: 12

    Kennewick, WA. We may be a small town in the middle of the desert, but we have a fantastic studio and amazing teachers, a World Champion teacher in fact, one of the best in the land. Come by some time

    Post count: 12

    I have only seen one studio that offered an “advanced class”. What is different? I asked my instructors about it and they said that there are advanced postures, but “Bikram Yoga” is only the one designed series and there is not another class that is taught.

    That happened to me a few weeks ago and I instantly knew why. It was the the first(and only time since)that I had ice in my water. I walked to class (3.5 miles) and had a neighbor bring my bag, so I froze some water the day before so it would melt by the time I got there and I wouldn’t have to carry it on my walk. When I picked it up to drink some it was really cold and I knew it was going to be a bad idea to drink it. It floored me. I could barely hold my head up while sitting down. I don’t know how much you drink or how your water is, but that might help. I see people that always have water like that, but it killed me. I also try to only drink enough to keep my mouth wet, it helps me from guzzling

    Post count: 12

    After studying what I was doing at all times in this pose, following your advice and tips, I finally got my head to touch my knee in one set on my right side, on Friday !! Saturday I got both sides, both sets. Same on Sunday. Same today!!!! Now all I want to do is go about 4 times a day to practice it =)

    Post count: 12
    in reply to: High Expectations? #6152

    I have lost 35 pounds, so it is definitely possible, but I didn’t have the intention of losing weight(maybe 10 pounds I thought) My shape changed in that I lost my body fat but no muscle mass was lost, I just leaned out. My diet slowly changed, my drinking habits changed (not just alcohol, but water consumption, juice,tea, etc.) So right effort plays a part. While I have never done a 30 or 60 day “challenge”, I simply try to go everyday. It is intense enough, there is no need to add another challenge to it!!! I go to yoga everyday because I WANT to. If you like it, try to go as much as you can, you are just helping yourself. For me, the more I go = the more I love going = the more I keep going. If you like it, and like the results you get, and enjoy going to class, then I say stick to it. My instructors say “90 minutes. My brain, your body” Learn to block out what is happening around you and in your head. I like to focus on the sound of my breath to help me focus, in poses and out of poses, it helps clear out whatever might be running through my mind. You sound like you have the right attitude, so have fun with your Yoga =)

    Post count: 12

    First set and second set I try to go all the way. I start with holding under my foot, balance, and lock my Standing knee. Once I have that I kick out, locking my standing knee, toes back. Then start bending my elbows down. I will make sure I have my balance before I move into the next phase. I spent about 2-3 months with just holding my foot, locking my standing leg. I spent another 3 months learning to lock my kicking leg while keeping my balance. I have reached the point where I can hold my kicking leg straight, toes back, the duration of each set, even holding the posture with good balance as my elbows touch the top of my knees. It is trying to get them below where I loose it. I worked hard (and continue to) on my fundamentals. As to length of each activity, once I am balanced and locked, I move on, but the majority is spent when bending my elbows down. My kicking leg bends more often than my standing leg (most of the time =] )

    Post count: 12
    in reply to: 30 day challenge? #5475

    Drink some before bed or if you wake up in the middle of the night. If you drink some when you wake up, before class, drink it slow, maybe half a glass at a time. Trying to cram in water early to hydrate hasn’t worked for me. Some at home, some on the way

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