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  • Gabi
    Post count: 7

    Congratulations! I did a 60 last year and did go through some ups and downs. I think allowing yourself to back off on the postures a bit for a few days as needed can be so helpful. And concentrate on the relaxing of the appropriate muscles!

    I do agree that if you can do some massage/chiropractic it will be lovely. You can totally do this, just ease up and relax as needed. There is no requirement that you push to your limit every day ;~), Gabi

    Post count: 7
    in reply to: Balance Challenge #3250

    So annoying – I seem to be right in the middle. I can tune out to the point that I don’t know who all was in class, or even if it was a small or large class but the people immediately around me I am almost too aware of.

    I do have a lot of balance problems …

    Post count: 7

    I’m very curious to see what answers come up here.

    Ours is occasionally on the stinky side, especially near the carpet ;~). It’s definitely not normally obnoxious but people all have different sniffers. I generally don’t find the normal sweat smell (which to me is slightly oniony) particularly offensive, but foot type odours sends me up the wall.

    Post count: 7
    in reply to: OUCH OUCH OUCH!!! #3181

    Hello Mammaren. hannahjustbreathe has said it and its true. One’s practice is a journey, not a destination. My advice is to focus on your breath and stay with the teacher’s words like you did the very first time when you had no idea what to do. That way you will not be focused on “depth” or “progress” or any lack of depth or progress. Those ouches seem to show up from time to time and they do have things to tell us. In my own (considerable) experience with the talking ouches, they usually seem to be hoping to teach me something about breath, and alignment and not judging. When I let the depth go begging a bit, I remember why I love yoga. And then when I am ready and the depth starts to return, it seems like magic, makes my face break open smiling and here again, I remeber why I love yoga. Good luck….All my best, Rozz.

    This has been my experience (very little, beginner) also. It seems that every time I reach a new level of something good i.e., strength, alignment, flexibility, etc., I have a new pain to work through right with it. It ebbs and flows, probably not such a bad thing.

    Hang in there – bet there’s a better posture when you get back to normal ;~)

    Post count: 7

    I’ve been merrily piggybacking off this post and tried the really concentrating on the feetz – it’s good ;~) and I’m not loosing much in terms of the alignment of the back or depth. Great post

    Post count: 7

    It’s so befuddling to get conflicting advice innit? I think you really have to do what your body tells you is best.

    For me, really tightening my quads and especially engaging the inner thighs has helped very much. Good luck!

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