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  • Ilyzium
    Post count: 32

    I really can’t say what the majority of yogis might eat, I would assume that they’re mostly vegetarian though. A few Bikram instructors I know are completely vegetarian. I do have a friend that teaches Bikram yoga. She’s naturally thin and eats EVERYTHING! ha ha Seriously, her favorite foods are anything “carb laden” and will often overindulge. Other people I’ve talked to who practice it regularly say that they can also eat whatever they want because their metabolism’s have skyrocketed. For myself, well I’ve always eaten very healthy, preferring lots of protein smoothies, fish, chicken, veggies, etc. And especially if you’ve worked hard in yoga and feel so light and energized afterward, I would think the last thing you’d want to do it overload the body with lots of chemicals, carbs, etc. Everyone is different of course but this is what I’ve noticed.

    Post count: 32

    Bonmar that’s not silly at all. In fact lots of Doctors advise women that have bladder issues to do tons of those Kegel squeezes. I admit I should do them more regularly but become somewhat lazy about doing them. And yes that’s good that it’s working for your bladder…maybe I’ll have to try them more regularly than once in a blue moon…

    Post count: 32

    Hey Rebecca,

    Oh yes I’m very familiar with the cystocopy having gone through quite a few of those in fact. I’ve also tried to do the brain/bladder condition but doesn’t really work on me. I try to avoid the offending foods instead and keep myself in a dehydrated state before the class. But yes I’m glad for you that you’ve had a somewhat happy ending through all of this. 🙂

    Post count: 32

    Oh hello Gabrielle,

    I agree that the brain is incredibly fascinating and so intelligent as well, and I also believe that the body is also intelligent, knows what it wants and is capable of great healing. I have actually seen that movie: What the bleep do we know and found it quite interesting. And yes that’s true how we create our own reality with our thoughts. I know as soon as I get any type of negative thought, I have to stop myself and make a concentrated effort to switch my thoughts, so as to not “ruin” the rest of my day.
    I myself am really into my vision boards, power of positive affirmations, NLP, EFT even, try to avoid all negativity including TOXIC people as well. It’s unfortunate that many people haven’t quite realized that and seem to be forever making these same mistakes over and over. I’m hugely fascinated by quantum physics and have read many of those kind of books, everything from that movie, to Law of Attraction, Wayne Dyer’s books, books by Louis Hays (How to heal your life), The Secret, anything by Esther Hicks. Currently I’m reading one by Gabrielle Bernstein called : How to add more ing to your life. You can hear more about that one on youtube as well. But yes this is a topic I could really talk to death about!

    Namaste to you too,

    Post count: 32

    Hi Rebecca,

    Well I’m not sure if you’re still replying in this forum but here’s my 2 cents anyway. I’ve actually always had an overactive bladder condition myself, which I found becomes even more aggravated during the hot yoga class. I’ve asked my Doctor about it and she says it’s because I’m sweating so profusely that I’m losing minerals/salts so she recommended some salt supplements. Well I tried those but it still doesn’t work. Hey, did your studio nag you about needing to use the washroom during class? How were you treated btw? I was treated very poorly so just curious about your experience. Well I hope you’re doing much better now with your bladder and blood clot? A while ago I developed a cyst although it mysteriously went away on it’s own. I pray that yours does too.

    Post count: 32


    Sorry took me a while to respond back to your comment. Interesting that you mentioned the NLP, and no I didn’t know that both you and Gabrielle are NLP practitioners. Yes I’ve actually been going for my NLP sessions in the past 6 mos and found that it helped me tremendously. It’s excellent for reprogramming your mind and getting rid of the old clutter and garbage that we have stored in our subconscious mind.
    And the reason I decided to do it back then was because I had been brainwashed by all the negative people around me that as you get older you automatically gain weight and will never lose it. I believed all those inane stereotypes back then, and today I can say that it really helped me to lose 30 lbs in the past 3 months. I actually have a family friend that’s doing it right now. He’s quite overweight, in poor health and believes that he’ll never get better in any way and that it’s all over for him now. Consequently, he’s become extremely lethargic, won’t exercise and eats crap. I know some people view it as some “new age” “mumbo jumo” like my Doctor for example, but if more people were open minded and enlightened they would see it for what it really is.

    Anyway always enjoy reading your comments.

    Post count: 32

    Hi Waterwatch/Barb,

    Do you know what prompted me to post my comments here? Well, I have these negative people all around me, who are in fact quite overweight, angry about it I know, ask me for my advice help- which I give to them, they never follow it through and just go back to eating crap and never exercising. They are the same people that insulted me when 3 yrs ago I mysteriously gained 30 something lbs in a few months. A few of them acted strangely “excited” that I’d actually gained weight, the rest were just insulting in their comments to the extent that two people asked me if I’d exploded because I looked extremely puffy with water retention! Also mentioned that I’d be like them one day never able to lose the weight since we’re all getting older, and gullible me actually believed them? Comments like that struck a nerve for me. I was like, no I have medical issues people! Yes hormones are a bugger aren’t they? I too am also taking homeopathic drops prescribed by a very good Naturopath, for my health issues (hormonal imbalance) that are also helping me lose weight, along with my low fat diet and exercise. At that time I can’t tell you how many Doctor’s I visited, all of them unable to help me, dismissing my concerns as being normal age related weight gain, so for myself I prefer Naturopaths. But yes I know other people that gained weight because of hormone issues and after being treated by a Naturopath were quite successful in their weight loss -no side effects either.


    Post count: 32


    You’re absolutely right about everything you’ve mentioned. This Instructor must have her own “demons” or some deep unresolved issues, because she is acting like a bully and I know purposely trying to embarrass me! And yes I’m just going to try to go to my class and go to the washroom when I need, because as a grown adult, I certainly don’t need this “cretan’s” approval. True too, that my previous complaint to the owner a few months ago was obviously ignored, as this one likely would be too. I don’t really like this studio very much as I just don’t find the “air” to be very welcoming. Hmmm…I think if the same thing happened at another studio, well to start I would be very vocal about my “problem” from day 1 with both the owner & manager, would mention that as a paying customer I wouldn’t tolerate this kind of “discrimination”, probably would mention that I also work for a local paper as a journalist. I really don’t, but they don’t need to know that. 🙂 And yes as you say, I just have to learn to “zone out” and not care what anyone thinks of me. Thanks again for all your “valuable” advice.

    BTW I laughed so hard at that “chamber pot” idea. You know as a “prankster” which I often am, I really like the idea of say just 1 day bringing that darn chambar pot in class, to mock this Instructor. I seriously should do that! 🙁

    Well I’m glad that no-one has ever harassed you about your visit’s to the loo. Thanks for your feedback too!

    Post count: 32

    Hi Bonmar,

    I purposely come to class a bit dehydrated for that very reason, and always empty my bladder 5 min before, but still have to go halfway during class, so I go during savasana. Oh you’re doing those kegel exercises….Well, I’m glad they worked for you. They’ve never really worked for me unfortunately. Just out of curiosity, how were you treated by the Instructor, when you had to void during class?

    Come to think of it, I think the next time that Instructor/Office Manager gives me a hard time about needing to empty my bladder, I’ll say something to her like- “You can’t be telling people not to use the bathroom. It’s a basic human need. Do you think someone with a bladder condition wants to go to the bathroom? Uh, not! Or I’ll say that “I really do need to go urgently and if I can’t leave the room, then I’ll just pee on my mat”! I’m tired of being treated like that, it’s so draconian! I feel like I’m the only one having this issue too.

    Post count: 32

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Thank you very much for your feedback. I have a question about that. Ok, now what do I do say, when I’ve done what you said and this rude Instructor still embarrasses me, making me feel like a “naughty child in kindergarten”? I’m always discrete and quiet about it and I know that no other students are bothered by it. What would you personally do? I get really tired of complaining to the owner about this issue, because I feel like it’s falling on “deaf ears”. I just feel like driving to a farther Bikram location and trying out a new studio. 🙁


    Post count: 32


    Ok, I’m going to rephrase what I just said earlier, because I don’t want it to get “misconstrued”. What I mean to say is that yes it does get harder to lose as you get older, true because we lose muscle, hormonal issues, etc. or there can be some medical issues. But what I’m saying is that it’s not impossible and too many people use “age” as an excuse not to even try to lose weight and as a “cop out”. I do know people that eat “junk food” because it’s not nutritious food, refuse to exercise and then wonder why they can’t manage to lose?? Then they blame it on age, or whatever… And yes these are the same negative people around me saying as you get older you won’t lose the weight. Now that’s the part that’s @#$%^&! I’m not commenting on people who are say, overweight, eating low fat and exercising regularly and not losing, that’s something different entirely.

    Post count: 32

    Hey yogalifer,

    “I think that we only gain weight, lose muscle, lose flexibility as we get older because we allow that to happen.”

    I absolutely agree with you. sorry had to put your quote in manually as I tried to do it by clicking on quote and I guess I didn’t know what I was doing.

    Anyway, Cindy you have the right attitude and I wish I were surrounded by more positive people like you around me! Make you could whip some of those lazy slackers around here into shape!! 🙂 That’s really good though that you’ve maintained your weight, size, are very fit exercising regularly and I’m sure you probably look a lot younger than your peers too i would imagine…I’m 5 10 1/2 and usually wear a size 10 (North American size that is), and now I’m a 12 so just need to go down one more size. Could be worse though because before I had become a size 14 with a very thick waist. Anyway, I don’t have a thick waist or anything, just want to lose more in my chest, hips and thighs. The abs are looking pretty good though, I managed to get rid of my love handles. Well, I used to be obsessed with weight when I was younger, but have learned to be more positive through the Law of Attraction.

    I hear you! I love good food and am a “gourmand”. Can’t drink wine though as I’m allergic to all alcohol, chocolate, citrus foods, coffees, etc,


    Post count: 32

    Hi Freiamaya,

    That’s great that you lost weight, or lost inches, because after all inches and BODY FAT is more important than what’s on the scale. I mean you can have two people who weigh the same thing, but the one with say more muscle less body fat is going to look quite a bit smaller. You should be proud of yourself.

    But yeah I had to put that comment in because I was so frustrated with my inability to lose weight for so long. At the time I had gained almost 30 lbs in several months, without eating more and lots of exercising, despite being athletic my entire life. I remember going from one Doctor to another, all they ever did was do a thyroid test and when the results came back negative, their answer was – Well you’re getting older and as the body gets older it naturally wants to hold onto fat, and that we gain weight as we get older. Fine, but gaining 30 something lbs in a few months despite always being lean? My Doctor even said to me that oh you obviously have a hormonal balance, let’s put you on a birth control pill. Not! I went from Doctor to Doctor, tried Endocrinologists and finally found an amazing Naturopath that’s helping me lose my excess lbs. I’ll even admit to trying to something else as well. Ok, well I guess I was also one of those people who had been brainwashed to believe that I’m getting older therefore I’ll never lose my weight, so I tried a form of hypnotism for that as well to change my thinking pattern and that helped for me called NLP.

    And if you’re exercising regularly, like doing regular hot yoga to lose weight, and eating low fat, there should be no reason why we can’t lose weight just because you’re getting older, unless you have certain medical issues. Proof of that is when you go to Europe, and all around you you see slim, fit women of all ages. I just think we’ve been brainwashed for too long in the media to believe that as we get older, we’ll naturally lose our bodies and be unable to lose our weight so we believe it.

    I guess my point in all of this is to never give up on yourself. I think if you really truly want to lose weight you will lose it because I’ve realized that the mind is much more powerful than we think.

    Post count: 32

    Waterwatch or Barb,

    Ooh lucky you! I’m so envious that you have your own yoga room set up at home. How fabulous is that! Especially in the dreary days of winter (depending where you live), not always convenient to go to a studio. Do you have other types of cardio equipment at home too?

    Post count: 32

    I do notice that depending on the clientele for eg) that will often dictate what will be worn in a class. I just want to point out that I’m amazed at all these women that come to class fully dressed? Well they might as well be as they’re wearing long oversized t-shirts, and baggy jogging pants? Ooh I couldn’t stand to have that “bulky” clothing on. Well, anyway the majority of the woman at the location I go to are more of Asian and south Asian ethnicity and I guess therefore cover up. However, at one of the other locations I visited, the majority of the women were Caucausian, more affluent location, and they were wearing those bras and teeny little shorts, even the one’s in their 50’s & 60’s. I was impressed because though not everyone had the “body” to wear that, but they certainly had the confidence to wear it.

    I guess it doesn’t really matter what you wear, as long as you’re able to have a comfortable practice, and that you don’t have any “bits” hanging out where they shouldn’t? lol To each their own I always say…I still prefer my tank top and tiny shorts.

    Post count: 32

    Well, everyone is different of course but one of my Instructor’s is definitely looking anorexic from teh last time I saw here. She’s almost 6 ft, her face is extremely gaunt, and she is soooo thin. Not only from her daily practice I guess, but she admitted that she’d cut out all dairy, weight, meat and is only a vegetarian. I’m all for a thin physique but she looks really pasty and gangly now.

    I try to do the class at least 2 or 3 x/week as well as go to the gym the other days doing power walking/running intervals, some light weights, eliptical machines, etc. I find I really crave the intense “aerobic” exercise because I tend to be on the hyper side so it helps me get my energy out, if that makes sense.

    As for weight loss, yes I’m experiencing some but in my case I had other health issues, so now as they’re being healed I’m losing. I’m also eating lots more which seems to be working in my case, because my Doctor told me my body had bascially gone into “hibernation mode” that is packing on weight and not losing, as I wasn’t eating enough for my body. I know lots of other people that have had phenominal results with weight loss from hot yoga though. One instructor in particular never worked out a day in her life, went 4x/week for 2 yrs and lost 35 lbs, after which she decided to become an Instructor. She is in her late 40’s but has the body of someone in their early 20’s.

    I just want to mention something else. That I’m so tired of people saying as they get older it’s impossible to lose weight, or that as each decade goes that women gain 10 lbs per decade! That is just @#$%^&*(!! My relatives, most of whom are older are all long and lean, and have maintained their bodies their entire life. Hmm wonder if I should start a sepearte thread about this issue ad it really does irk me. I’m in my lat 30’s and even when I first began Bikram, and wanted to lose some lbs, all these people around me were saying that your body is getting older and no matter what you do, you won’t lose the weight. Can you believe that dribble? Just wanted to get that off my chest! There feel better now…:)

    Post count: 32

    Hi everybody,
    I can so relate to this post, because when I first started taking Bikram classes, pimples seem to “sprout up” out of nowhwere, all on my forehead and back, which I found really bizarre. I’d always had clear, clean, unblemished skin and all of a sudden I felt like a hormonal teenager. I couldn’t get rid of them either so I went for a few spa treatments (facials)& bought one of those anti acne products from the salon, and that seemed to wipe them out. Haven’t had any acne issues since. But yes I agree that it was definitely a symptom of detoxing for sure. I know it’s also really good if you do regular exfoliations too to get rid of the trapped cells and everything.

    Post count: 32

    Hello everybody,

    Well I’m back again “ranting and raving” this time about the same very issue. Ok. well the other day I went to my regular Yoga studio to take my class. Now, normally I usually see whoever is teaching online, but I didn’t think to check that day. Well, I arrived there and found out that the “spawn of satan” how I think of her, is the one teaching. Trust me, if you saw her teaching style you’d agree. She has this harsh shrill voice,and she shouts (barks) out her commands-very stressful, and picks on people continuously, like I have never seen in a Bikram class.

    Many people refuse to go to her class, but she’s still there as she’s the Office Manager. Ok, well I was halfway through the class, when I really needed to go to the washroom, so I stood up and pointed to the door. The teacher was like : “No, no, no, no, no. Do you really need to go? Can’t you hold it? I said “no I can’t need to go now”. Well when I came out i saw the owner there who smiled at me, and I promptly came back when I was finished in the bathroom. The instructor’s reply was: “Oh was John out there?” I replied yes, and she said that “Oh dear well he’s probably not very happy about you now”. I thought to myself here we go again!! I went and complained to him again about his instructor/Manager’s rudeness and how I was extremtly angry, and how I’m plain fed up!

    I had already complained to him once before and thought that he’d spoken with her…maybe not i don’t know. All the other Instructor’s are fine with me going to the bathroom, I just make sure to remind them before the class. Well, I guess it’s my own fault that I didn’t pay attention to who was teaching that day. For the record this Instructor has had several complaints against her, however she’s still there as the owner thinks she’s doing a fabulous job. I just feel that the owner maybe doesn’t take my complaints seriously or something as I’d already complained before about that woman. Maybe I’ll be looking into joining a different studio, or be really careful not to ever get this instructor for a class. What would other people do?

    So, sorry if I bored some of you as this is really a ridiculous complaint, but valid nevertheless…

    Post count: 32

    Thanks Gabrielle & Robert for the feedback. Nice to know that I’m not the only one who thinks that way!

    As Gabrielle said: “Everyone else’s ability to stay focused is not your major concern it is theirs. They are indeed very blessed to have you try to minimize the possible interruption by positioning yourself near the door.” Exactly! It’s not my problem if other students can’t stay focused on their own practice.

    I will say that at the previous Bikram studio that I was going to, the owners were much more understanding of my health issue. I just had to make sure to inform the teaching Instructor right before class. Yes I find it so insulting to be told that oh no, you can’t use the washroom, hold your bladder in. I’m just wondering if things might be different if I were to say, join a Hot Yoga Class, rather than the actual Bikram Class because I am really getting turned off coming to practice quite frankly? Perhaps their rules might not be so rigid & draconian? I guess I might just have to do more of Gabrielle’s yoga dvd at home then. 🙂

    Post count: 32

    Well I actually suffer from a chronic bladder condition and I find that I still need to go to the washroom once during Savasana so I make sure to keep my mat next to the door for quick acess. But I will say that I informed the yoga studio about my bladder condition and they were less than sympathetic you might say. After buying my package at that particular studio, I informed the staff of my condition, and that one day I believe my bladder will improve but it hasn’t happened yet. I mentioned that I need to go only once during Savasana and that I’m very discret about it tip toeing out of the room. Well, once I started doing that I started getting lectures from the yoga manager on how I should try to “control my bladder more and try not to go”, that I am being a distraction. Well, I tried holding my bladder for the entire class, but to do that i can’t drink any water, or hold in my stomach during certain poses, so by the end of class I felt like I was dying and didn’t have a very good workout. Hello? Are we in kindergarten or something. I don’t appreciate being told to not go to the washroom. I was absolutely enraged, complained to the owner and wrote a very detailed letter, stating the lack of customer service of his Manager, feeling discriminated because of my health condition and threatened to never come back. Well he had a talk with her and now she no longer bothers me. Find by me. For the record, many people complain about this Manager to the owner for various reasons, however since she runs the office, he’s not about to let her go.

    I would just like to be able to do my practice in peace without being harassed! Just wondered if anyone else has had any similar experiences or am I special? 😉

    Post count: 32

    Hmm…Well I think what I crave changes almost daily, but I will say that it usually tends to be salty foods like rice crackers or something, sometimes protein, and of course tons of water.

    I have been known though to come home and eyeball the entire fridge…now I just eyeballed it, didn’t say I ate the thing:)

    Post count: 32

    Good question sma-ll, If I find the answer I’ll be sure to post here. Well, anyway being in that same situation myself, I just wear fitted tank tops over sports bras, and my Shakti yoga shorts. I know it really is a pain to wear 2 layers on top, but really I don’t know where you could find say, full-control tank tops or something. Not quite ready to do just the bra thing on top, as my abs are not quite defined the way I want them to be. I probably could get away with it, but I prefer to wait until I get my “six pack” back. One day hopefully soon…:)

    Post count: 32

    I’m finding that after the yoga class, not only do I drink a ton of water, but I also crave salt I’ve actually been munching on some of those bakes honey/dijon rice crackers…not bad if I say so myself!

    Post count: 32

    Thank you Robert, very happy to be here and grateful that I came across this fab site! Yes I did have a chuckle over your story of practicing yoga with the hot model behind you. I would have been distracted too had I had a male model practicing behind me. 😉

    Post count: 32

    Oh I hope nobody minds if I’m posting to this older topic? Well, in my bikram class most women wear those bra tops and the little black yoga shorts, that are more like those “boy short” panties that women wear. I don’t feel I’m fit enough to wear that so in the meantime I’m wearing a tank top and yoga shorts that aren’t as skimpy as the teeny shorts. As for the men, actually I haven’t really noticed what the men are wearing. I will say that on my first day I did wear full length black, lycra work-out pants and baggy t-shirt and fully regreted it later on…

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