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  • JeffH1054
    Post count: 4

    Hi Gabrielle,

    Yes, my sweat often stings my eyes, even when I haven’t eaten garlic or onions. 😉

    I do have a lot of salt in my sweat and always have, as evidenced by salt stains on my shirt when I hike, etc. We don’t add much salt to food, either, a change we made when my wife had trouble with high blood pressure during her first pregnancy. Drinking Emergen-C rather than water during class does make a difference in my practice. So, increase the sodium intake! Check! I’ll try it (and keep an eye on blood pressure as I do). Does that mean I also get to start eating potato chips? LOL

    I would also be interested in hearing the science of it, if you have the time to post. My field is physics, so while I don’t know the jargon I am interested in understanding what is going on.


    Post count: 4

    I thought of the “replace as it is used” approach, so started drinking 1-2 liters of Emergen-C during class (which should serve the same purpose as the sea water). I typically drink in about half a dozen breaks: After eagle, another 2 times during the standing series; before the first savasana; after floor bow; after rabbit; before final savasana. I started that a few weeks ago, without a great deal of impact on the problem. I’m drinking enough to make the spine strengthening series a bit uncomfortable.

    This weekend I did drink a large coke a short time after class, thinking that the caffeine would serve as diuretic. It did, reducing the delay to about 2 hours.

    Post count: 4

    I might have just assumed it normal were it not for my wife and daughter (who is a Bikram instructor), for whom there is virtually no delay. There is no pain or burning during urination. When I have not practiced I urinate regularly, although I certainly stay better hydrated in general and urinate more frequently after starting BIkram. Sometimes during the wait after practice I feel a bit light headed, reminiscent of the way I feel when either dehydrated or when I’ve had water without electrolytes. I don’t think that is psychosomatic. LOL I do take supplements but nothing out of the ordinary — a multivitamin, B, C, and fish oil. Medications are an interesting question. I am on one medication that I have been taking for over 6 years that, after checking, apparently does have rare side effects associated with frequency of urination. The problem is new, however, and acutely associated with practicing Bikram so it doesn’t seem too likely to me that a rare medication side effect is the culprit.

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