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  • Kelzalulu
    Post count: 9
    in reply to: Colds/Flu #8302

    Sorry for my delay. I have alternated between two different studios so I don’t think that is it. I am definitely not as diligent enough with hydration as I should be. When I cut back to three times a week I am fine. It is just the challenges where I become I’ll. I think maybe the strain is too much for my system combined with the lack of proper rehydration. I usually have a powerade or coconut water after class, but am then less diligent throughout the rest if the day.

    Post count: 9
    in reply to: Colds/Flu #8045

    I have been practicing for about four tears. However this year has been tough because I have been getting head colds nearly every two weeks while attempting a sixty day challenge. I thought it might have been because I was practicing in winter and many of my fellow class mates may have been ill. However it is now spring and it has happened again. Without fail approximately twenty four hours of a tough class I come down with symptoms. I never normally get sick this often. Perhaps because I am practicing too often and am not replacing my fluids adequately after class? Has this happened to anyone else? It is definitely triggered by practice unfortunately and I am concerned I may have to look into another type of yoga.

    Post count: 9
    in reply to: Choosing a Studio #6148

    Definitely go the second studio! Sounds fabulous. I think it is much more important that you enjoy your classes.

    Post count: 9

    Hi Gabrielle

    Yes, that is correct. That is exactly how I am currently trying to straighten my leg!!

    I am not sure if I am doing the floor head to knee correctly, but I’ll explain what I do and see if I can translate that to standing head to knee as you suggest. On the floor, I bend my knee first (a LOT). Then I simultaneously put my forehead on my thigh as I push my foot forward to extend my leg straight. I can see what you are saying about employing the same action, as my leg understands how to straighten from this position. So, are you saying I should lift my chest up first and also bring my leg up in a bent position, like I would on the floor, get my foot up at the height with my hip, and then push the leg forward as I would on the floor? I think that is what you are saying and makes sense cause I know I can do that on the floor.

    Does that sound right?? I will try tomorrow morning and see how I go.

    Post count: 9

    I understand your predicament. I was forced to stop practice for about one year because of a back injury. I did a lot of pilates during this period with my physio, and then gradually introduced more yoga. If you can’t get motivated to get to a studio (or find the time because of your work pressures), I think you should just do something else in the meantime. The key is to get back into some form of exercise, a routine, and then the yoga will just find its way back into that routine.

    We all know that the reality with this yoga is you can’t just do it once a week. It needs to be practiced regularly. You won’t enjoy it if you can only make it once a week during this busy period and every class is an awful struggle. Perhaps do something like pilates/ walking/ running/ swimming (something else you enjoy and can easily fit into a busy day) until your work pressures drop off and you can fit the yoga back into your day and honestly commit to it properly again.

    I hope that is somewhat helpful!

    I hope that is somewhat helpful!

    Post count: 9

    I do find it strange that straight legs (rather than a straight back) is encouraged in this posture, when in the last deep stretching position a straight back is emphasised. Gabrielle’s view makes much more sense to me. I have a strong curve in my upper back and I won’t be able to straighten it properly unless I focus on that (rather than my hamstrings). My hamstrings are quite flexible, it is my stiff back which is holding me back more. Gabrielle, do you have any advice on what I should be focusing on to try and straighten this out?

    Post count: 9
    in reply to: alignment concerns #5505

    I also have similar concerns. I don’t think my alignment is correct in half moon pose as I find even the smallest stretch into this pose hurts the sides of my hips/ stomach. I had an inflammed disc in my lower back earlier this year and I have found that the practice (in particular the back bends) have helped this injury a lot. However, I really struggle with half moon pose and was wondering if this was common?

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