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  • Pamela0414
    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Bad neck… #7434

    For myself I was given an alternative by my instructor and I still get all the compression benefits. I do the pose on my hands and feet and tuck my chin under and roll down curling up as tight as possible. Spine curled up, chin down, tail bone down but still on hands and knees. It works for me but then I don’t put pressure on my neck.

    That’s what works for me. 😀

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Night Sweats #7419


    I am 43 and have dealt with peri-menopausal symptoms for a long time. Night sweats being one of the most troublesome where I would have to get up and change clothes. I see a naturopath and I take supplements including Vit. D. The one not mentioned here that has done the most for me is a supplement called DIM. The one I take is by Nature’s Way but I am sure other companies make it. It is all natural and comes from cruciferous vegetables. It is for estrogen dominance and helps the body to metabolize estrogen.

    I use the DIM and Progesterone Cream. I researched creams a lot because not all are created equal. I cannot take the pill or anything like that because the synthetic Estrodiol works against other meds I take. I also don’t want my liver to deal with more chemicals. We are exposed to all sorts of estrogens, not only our own so it is common to be estrogen dominant.

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: Weight Gain #7415


    I am in the process of reading Bikram’s book. He actually mentions this and says you will gain weight but your body shape will change.

    I have to say for me, being an overweight woman who has dieted all her life and failed, it is so nice to finally have something to focus on and be able to get rid of the scale. I don’t have all that negative stuff in my head and instead I like myself because I see growth in my postures. I don’t even go for weight loss even though that is one of the reasons I started. I go because I want to see how much better I can do and because it relaxes me and gives me happiness and energy.

    I guess I like myself better with yoga, and even if I don’t get down to regular size I am okay with that. I am doing something that I can be proud of.

    Post count: 58

    This has happened to me.

    Sick to my stomach, had to get out of there, but I refused. I had to lay there, focus on one spot and breathe, slowly, in through the nose for count of 6, deep and then out slowly controlled getting as much oxygen to my heart and lungs as possible…focusing on breathing not the freak out thoughts in my mind as much as possible.

    Post count: 58


    I am pretty overweight and I have a problem with this pose because of many things. I can’t hold enough tension with my arms to keep me off my head, without my weight going into my head, and the compression is so tight, especially with my face in my chest, (large) I can’t breathe. I don’t mean the natural non-breathing feeling you get from the compression but can’t breathe cause my face is covered.

    My teacher gave me a modification of my hands on the floor in front of me..on all 4’s so to speak. Then tucking my chin down, and curling up as tight as possible tucking up my stomach and arching my spine, creating the same compression as if I was in full rabbit. This works for me, for now until I can get into full rabbit later.

    Not sure if it is what every teacher would recommend but at least I am not suffocating. 😀


    Post count: 58


    I don’t feel like the inhale happens automatically for me. I feel as though I am going to hyperventilate during this breathing. Often times I run out of breath or get too tired to finish this. I thought I was doing it right but I guess I’m not.

    I am pushing air with my abdomen and diaphragm. But honestly it sure doesn’t feel like air is coming back in without conscious effort.

    Post count: 58

    For me it is ankles and feet sometimes. I told my instructor when I was attending my first few classes that my ankles hurt and can’t I stand with my feet apart. She explained we are trying to build strength in those areas so try to do what I can but always listen to my body.

    I listened to her and kept my ankles together. Now they don’t hurt anymore. But I am still happy to get to the floor work.


    Post count: 58
    in reply to: First time #7392


    I wasn’t there last night, took the night off. Was there tues and wed. The tattoo guy is Grant. When he does yoga he sweats tons! What HS? My daughter is going into 9th grade at Lindbergh next year.

    Linda is great, I was at her Wed. class and last Sat 9:30am. She is the one who convinced me not to be afraid and that I could do this. I love her! I signed up for a year and they have that special of $500. They let me split it into 2 payments. I decided I was worth it. It’s hard for me but I had to do it.

    I will be there tonight, 4:30. I am always next to a post, overweight…can’t balance worth a damn. Lay down a lot. LOL Brown yogi toe towel over a green mat.

    I am the one with no shoes on…Just kidding.


    Post count: 58
    in reply to: First time #7390

    WOW. Isn’t that funny, a huge web forum and we go to the same studio? We have probably been in some of the same classes at one point or another. Having different instructors is interesting and there are some I like better than others but I learn different things from each.

    I will try the coconut water with pineapple next time. Is there a place to get it besides the studio nearby?

    I usually go to the 4:30 class during the week and am trying the mornings on Saturday. Considering trying to do the 6days a week like Bikram suggests in his book since I am fairly new too.

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: First time #7387

    Sounds like you are in the Seattle area, me too!

    Weather has been great. When I go to morning classes I make sure to hydrate well the evening before. I cannot drink a lot right before class because I don’t like my stomach full. I don’t even drink a lot durning class because doing the spine postures are very uncomfortable for me with a lot of water in my tummy.

    I had coconut water last night after class, I was feeling a little low blood sugar, it perked me right up, didn’t care for the flavor. I will try the type with pineapple next.

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: First time #7334

    I was so afraid when I first started. Now I can’t get enough. It keeps me grounded. I had never done any yoga before. When I am not in the studio i am on this site. I hope your friend enjoys it too. Keep us posted.


    Post count: 58
    in reply to: First time #7332

    YEY! You did it. Didn’t you feel good about yourself? I think the headache is normal. Our bodies respond in all different ways to the heat and the detoxifying that is taking place. I had a lot of nausea when I began.

    I think it’s fine to cool down like that…I do. I turn on the A/C in my car and then take a nice cool shower when I get home.


    Post count: 58

    I am very careful to only take sips of water during class. I am much more comfortable on the floor if I don’t have the water to deal with. Even though I don’t eat 4 hours before class I still can have GI issues. Floor bow or rabbit could be really uncomfortable with a bunch of water in it. I am pretty sure my stomach doesn’t empty fast. That is why I have to stop eating 4 hours before class.

    In this issue everyone is different and I think we all have to find what works for us. Your practice is your own.


    Post count: 58

    I do a high pony tail also. I just bought a yoga headband to keep the sweat out of my eyes. It’s not cute but I don’t really care. I can focus that’s all that matters.

    Maybe a high pony and don’t pull it all the way through the last time to keep the ends in?

    Post count: 58


    I did my first morning class today and was fine. I also did class last night so it took some planning for me with food and water. I drank a lot after class and then when I got up. I had a good, but not heavy dinner after class last night and got good sleep. Got up this morning and had strawberries and blueberries with rice milk. Drank my water and went to class.

    I am pretty new at this so classes that close together was interesting. Class wasn’t hard but after a shower and lunch. I took a nap.

    Thanks again,


    Post count: 58
    in reply to: kleenex in Yoga #7299

    Nasal irrigation or lavage is a great way to deal with breathing or sinus issues before practice. A Netti Pot or other sinus rinse tool really does the trick.

    Take a look at Wikapedia’s article on Nasal Irrigation.

    Post count: 58

    I know this post it old. But I will still reply.

    I am fat too. Eagle pose there is no way I could get my arms together past my breasts. My instructors say it’s okay to grab my shoulders. As far as my legs, I just do what I can. I get my leg over and squeeze my thighs. My big thing is learning the balance and focus. The rest will come

    Post count: 58
    in reply to: PMDD #7288

    I have terrible symptoms too. Or HAD. I had to stop the pill for many reasons. I started using a natural progesterone cream that also has DHEA and Progenenol (sp) in it. To help balance out hormones. (if you have too much estrogen.) I also take a supplement called DIM. It is all natural and comes from broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables. It helps your body metabolize estrogens. Not only our own but xenoestrogens that we get from our environment. They work great for me. I wouldn’t recommend using them while on the pill but worth a try once off the pill to see if they help.

    Post count: 58

    I’m curious about this as well. I have been afraid of morning class because of the food water issue. I have been worried about not getting enough calories and water in and the feeling faint or sick in class.

    I understand the other things people are talking about for mornings, but any advice on diet. That seems to affect practice a lot.

    Post count: 58


    Well, this is getting better. My stamina is getting stronger and my balance is getting better. My ankles used to hurt and they don’t anymore. I do as much as I can and try not to wimp out. It’s exciting each time I go to see how much better I am getting.

    Post count: 58

    I have this problem too. It makes it almost impossible to do the floor postures. I find that i burp when I sit up for a moment and then the nausea is temporarily relieved only to come back again. I am working on finding the right way to eat, but I also think it might be a way of detoxing, I don’t know but I really want to fix it. Any other help from others would be great.

    Post count: 58

    This was good reading. I noticed several things that were interesting.

    I have to say that I am blessed with a wonderful studio with instructors that are kind but do follow the dialog. By following the dialog that doesn’t mean they don’t pay attention to the students, far from that! I have had instructors come to me and assist me with some alternatives for poses that I simply cannot do because of my weight. Which leads me to something else.

    I am soooo glad that I wasn’t “screened” out of my studio. I am 5’9″ and 250lbs. I take medications. I love Bikram Yoga. I have tried all other sorts of exercise before and it is non-rewarding and boring. Bikram to me is so exhilarating and makes me very proud of myself. It’s a self esteem boost. It’s a stress realize. It also has made me change my eating habits, just because my body craves healthier foods.

    I am sure there are bad places out there just as there are bad gyms, bad doctors, bad hairstylists..etc. I feel a bit like there has been a lot of generalization here with some saying “all Bikram instructors”. That isn’t the case.

    I am sorry, and sad that people have had bad experiences, honestly I don’t think Bikram would want you to have a bad experience either. However it’s not all Bikram

    Post count: 58


    Well, I had surgery at the end of May so I was out for a month. I went back for my first time on Saturday and it was soooo hard! It was more difficult than my first ever class.

    With that said, arms are not any better. It’s my shoulders and it starts during half moon. I just realize now I will need to develop more body strength and that will happen with regular practice. Seems I have better flexibility. I am going back tonight so I’ll check in let you know.


    Post count: 58

    Thank you.

    I know for myself, I am extremely proud that I am there and exhilarated when I am done. I am overweight and I do believe it makes it harder. I don’t give up I keep going but I do take small breaks when I really feel pain. Honestly, I am amazed at the things I can do with my body. If anyone could have told me I would be doing this and shown me pictures of the poses. I would have laughed. Getting up and down, bending all around. That is amazing enough let alone the extremes I do it.

    I don’t think I work too hard in a posture. I have a hard time just getting the form right. But keeping my arms in the air, in Awkward pose after already having them up during Half Moon, my arms and shoulders shake and even my fingers. If I do it without my arms I feel like I am cheating. Ya know?

    Post count: 58

    I have a couple things to say.

    1-I wear a nylon top that was meant to be a cami, (not lingerie). It has spaghetti straps and my bra straps show. I have wondered if it is appropriate but I just started and I don’t have the money for a new top yet.
    I wear cotton/spandex workout pants. I hate the cotton because it gets wet and hot but it’s all I have for now. I have been searching and searching for plus size clothing and have finally found some. Not easy to come by.

    2-I am not offended by men’s “bulge”. I am offended if I happen to see more than that. It is distracting. Yes, I am not supposed to be looking or whatever but sometimes you look up, someone is in front, if his shorts are loose. WHAM! There it is! Then I am distracted.

    3-A little off topic but another distracting thing. Crowded room, people close to me. I have had other people’s sweat come very close to dripping on me. Now, that is distracting when you see a drip coming down on to your head. (sometimes I am in Savasana while others are doing poses, as I am new).

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