Wow, thanks for the speedy replies.
My heel on the lifted foot is quite high on my thigh and I’m able to bring the knee of the bent leg into alignment with the the knee of the standing leg. Although I’m not sure if this isn’t the source of the injury, since I’m not yet very flexible and the heat may be deceiving me as to my limits.
When I go down to the floor, I exploit the length of my arms. I am a 6″4 fellow and I generally just fall into my hands (I think my leg is straight at that point) and then come down with my hands balancing me – this is the point at which the over-extension or “click” happens. I sometimes wonder if the length of my limbs has something to do with it.
The injury 7 years ago was never diagnosed because, as I’ve said, it never bothered me outside of certain movements, ie bringing my foot beyond my knee in the manner of someone going into tree or lotus. It healed quite quickly as I remember and never bothered me at all in the subsequent (perhaps 2 years following my Bikram practice) practice of other, non-heated yoga, even in pigeon, lotus and other poses which require that movement.