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  • abelanger26
    Post count: 55
    in reply to: hyperextended knee #4654


    I spoke with one of my teachers about it. She went and did advanced class with this lady in Boston who’s very close to Bikram himself. She did ask her some questions about this because it’s not uncommon to see it in class. She says as long as the knee is properly locked it’s okay. It takes 7 years to correct. My teacher then told me she had a big hyper extension like me and it’s starting to get straight. She’s been doing it for 4 years. How true is that?

    Post count: 55
    in reply to: Advanced Cobra #4624

    Here they tell us once in a while to lift our hands just to make sure we are doing the posture right. You should feel the same with your hands on the floor. Make sure you are not putting much pressure on them though. Your hands are there to support your back but the posture is all about lower back, butt and thighs being contracted. Make sure your elbows are not lifting up. Try to keep them close to your hips. Real challenge. I assure you.

    Post count: 55
    in reply to: dehydration… #4611


    Yes i am def a type A personality. Sometimes I just think I’m compulsive. Thanks for the advice. I’m actually much better. I rested a lot last weekend. I’m still up for my 60 days but will give up if anything like that happens again. So far all my back problems went away in the past few weeks. i’m quite happy. I’ve been taking electrolytes supplements to stay hydrated. I’m doing whatever I can to recuperate and enjoy the next class. Because yes I do enjoy them very much. 😉

    Post count: 55
    in reply to: dehydration… #4591

    Thanks for worrying 😉 I’m better. I don’t feel as strong as before but I’ve been resting a lot. I’m actually doing all of this because I want to know if I’m up for teacher training.

    Post count: 55
    in reply to: Tight trapezius #4563

    Stretching: bend head opposite way on the side. Make sure your left shoulder is loose. You can grab your head with your right harm to pull a bit more into the stretch. Do 3x 30s

    You can also grab a tennis ball and roll it with pressure on the area. Will help release tight muscles. It’s like doing a deep tissue massage on your own.

    Post count: 55

    Most of the time, you are slipping because your back knee is not locked. Make sure to contract your quadriceps. Will make such a difference. Promise! Triangle is all about contracting every single little muscles. Such a demanding posture!

    Post count: 55
    in reply to: hyperextended knee #4529

    Thanks Robert for the email on how to post pics. Im guessing it was a problem with my internet or something. At work it works fine!

    So here’s the pic a bit bigger than the profile picture.

    Post count: 55

    Hey! Congrats on your 22nd day. I’m only 3 classes behind with my bad back and hip. I rested a bit and now I feel great. I’m going to keep going. Just lots of doubles for me in order to keep up!

    Post count: 55

    Hi Gabrielle,

    The back is… getting a bit worst somedays and some others… it’s better. Yesterday I couldn’t do any sit ups, it was hurting way too much (I did a double). I’m two days behind in the challenge and thinking of backing off.


    Post count: 55

    oh yes and just to add… my hamstrings are super super flexible. I feel the pain in my back only. When it comes down my leg it’s really an irradiation.

    Post count: 55

    I got an evaluation by my physio…

    My lumbar: L3 is the only vertebra that moves (very unstable: I can do full camel only with that one) The other ones are too rigid and I compensate with L3.

    Hip: When I’m putting all my weight on my left leg, I contract my gluteus medius witch involves a internal rotation of the hip. Also I contract my adductors instead of my abductors. I’m already working on this with corrections. I’ve been compensating for so long that I created a dynamic sacro-iliac injury.

    Postures that hurt:
    +++: head to knee. Only on the left side, pain in the left hip going down to my knee
    standing separate leg head to knee pose(left leg in front)Pain left hip going down to my knee

    ++: Standing bow (left lower back pain when kicking out with the right leg)
    camel lower back pain on the left side
    floor bow, lower back pain on the left side
    hands to feet pose, mostly when we shake our hips right left… then there’s the hip pain going down the knee.

    +: this would be I’m struggling with these posture and I’ve seen a deterioration in my flexibility, it’s so stiff

    -rabbit+++ having a hard time just touching my knees with my forehead…
    -hands to feet pose: I used to lock my knees and was about 2 inches away from touching my head to my feet. now having a hard time locking my knees.
    -standing head to knee (cant put my head on my knee, my elbows aren’t as low)

    It’s really annoying. It’s not sciatica (I tested negative to all the physio tests). it’s definitly causing me a lot of pain though. Yesterday when I left the studio i was not walking properly. I felt like an old granny.

    thanks for all you advices.

    Post count: 55

    Day 8 is done… I’m one class behind. I have to do a double tomorrow, wednesday and friday… (I can’t do class tuesday and thursday) This is quite demanding with the lifestyle I have. (I work 3 jobs and I’m a workstudy at the studio)

    So far, my body is reacting very well to the heat. (I don’t feel it at all when it’s very hot and humdid) But my lower back and hip is getting worst and worst. It’s very hard for me because I’m very flexible and I could go so far in my postures. Now I have to follow what my body tells me. 🙁

    I’m enjoying the experience but seriously … with all my jobs… I have no social life for a month … I guess it’s a small price to pay!

    Post count: 55

    I’m at day 4!!! First 30 days! We’re a bunch doing it at our studio in montreal.

    Post count: 55
    in reply to: Teacher Training #4346

    Thank you all for your great answers! I’ve starting studying the dialog a bit already. I figured it would help me a lot. I’m doing a 60 days challenge starting tomorrow to prepare to the classes. I think I should be fine. I’m more than looking forward to this. I’ll keep you posted 😉

    Post count: 55

    Hi, first, when is your patella dislocating? Any particular movement? and Witch way is it dislocating. What do you feel happening? Have you learned about a particular taping yet?

    Please let me know. I’ll be able to help you a bit more. I have a similar case at the clinic right now!


    Post count: 55
    in reply to: Over heating #3982

    I’ve been doing this yoga for 2 years now, I’m even working at the studio. I take electolytes supp… eat well… breathing is great… Only this time i was like this. I’ve been doing doubles for a while too… I think it was the heat.

    thanks for your concern… I’m gonna check the heat temp next time see how high he got it.

    Post count: 55

    Hi, i’m a physio so i can pretty much help you out. You will get a rehabilitation program after the surgery. Usually when all goes well it take about 6-7 weeks and all is good. I would recommend that you start yoga maybe and with your physio/doc advice when you are able to put all your body weight on one leg without pain. Make sure you have no sign of inflammation either. Since you won’t have any meniscus you’ll have to be very careful when you lock your leg. Make sure you are not hyperextending that knee at all time. you don’t want to put too much stress on your joint like that. You want to protect it.

    When you start yoga, do tell your teacher about the surgery you had. You do whatever you can for that first class, don’t push yourself. it will be very important to note if your knee has any signs of inflammation after class. Swelling, hotness, redness… Don’t forget to ice it.

    If you have done Bikram before you’ll even know yourself when to start again. Your balance will be very bad at first but it will help strenghten your knee in a lot of ways.

    hope i helped a bit

    Post count: 55
    in reply to: Lifting torso up… #3692

    Thank you for the advice, I’ll try it at the class tomorrow!

    Gabrielle, my shoulders are very tight to begin with. When I do locust with both legs only, I do feel both of my shoulders going inward. My whole upper back and shoulders are stiff ( I have a really hard time at rabbit too). I checked the stretching guide. I will follow it and see if I can get some better results with that.

    Thank you very much for your time. It is so appreciated.


    Post count: 55
    in reply to: very flexible! #3689

    Thanks for the tips. My alignment is very good actually. To give you a general idea, I’m touching my hip bone at the end. Is this normal? I try to push my hibs more but I’m stuck 😉 My upper body is going back, my arms are behind my ears and locked. Hands are thight together pointing towards the corner of the room. I’m pretty sure I’m not twisting my upper body. And my weight is on my heels at all time.

    Post count: 55


    Same thing for me. I think this is the hardest posture for me… I have a feeling it’s because of my lower back. My curve in my lower back is big and my butt is always lifting up when I go down making it impossible for me to touch my forehead before. I keep my arms locked, contract my core, wrist high… but ain’t working …


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