I am also experiencing extreme fatigue. I have been doing Bikram for 4-6 times a week for the past month. I usually do morning classes, 5:30am, 7:30 or 8:00am.
For the past week or so, a few hours after yoga I want to take a nap and don’t have any energy to do much. I drink water and even coconut water after class. I probably drink 6-8 glasses of water a day.
I did feel a cold coming on two weeks ago, but still went to class religiously. Any ideas what is wrong with me. I am generally fit and within my weight range. I’ve exercised off and on throughout my life and have never experience this fatigue. I’ve done a marathon, other races, Bikram years ago before kids(3-4 times a week…).
I just wonder if doing it 6 times a week is the problem. I have never done that before, but am starting a 60 day challenge.