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  • emeraldem
    Post count: 3
    in reply to: Feeling Pooped #6317

    Hi Gabrielle
    Thanks for your great suggestion. Just reading it made me feel some ease around the situation. I will definitely try that and report back.

    The room seems about the same as most hot yoga rooms (really freakin’ hot! 🙂 I have noticed that the side farthest from the door definitely stays hotter. No idea as to the actual temp. Also, there is a lot of variability depending on the teacher, and how attentive they are to people’s responses to the heat. However, even on days when the fans are on high for half the class, and the door is frequently opened, I tend to have the same response, but just in the past couple of weeks. Prior to then, I did better after cooler classes.

    I tend to push myself hard to do the poses as instructed, and rarely feel compelled to sit poses out. It’s the aftermath that gets me. I imagine that only doing 1/3 of the class will help, dings to my ego aside!

    Thanks again,

    Post count: 3
    in reply to: Feeling Pooped #6310

    Hi Gabrielle,
    Thanks for your reply. Feeling disconcerted, yes! I am 34 years old, and, I thought, in good physical condition. So, I feel fairly certain its not a pre-menopausal issue.

    I have upped my multi-vitamin intake recently, and greatly increased my B-complex intake, wondering similarly to you if I was experiencing a deficiency.
    Stress, while of course ever present in our lives, also doesn’t seem a likely culprit here– I’m only working three days a week right now, so plenty of time to rest and relax.
    I’m the first to admit to being a “bad patient”, in the sense that I usually delay seeking professional help until I am completely out of ideas of my own. I haven’t ordered any lab tests or other work-ups yet–mainly because I feel reasonably ok as long as I’m not doing hot yoga!

    As an experiment, I’m going to try doing some other vigorous sports and assess my endurance and post-workout energy levels to compare. If I tolerate the non-hot workout fine, that narrows the issue down to heat-intolerance. Adrenal fatigue is a possibility, though I would have thought I would be tired all of the time if that were the case. Perhaps early-onset.

    If you have any other ideas, I’d love to hear them. I have a six-month unlimited membership at my studio that is going to waste as we speak!!


    Post count: 3
    in reply to: Feeling Pooped #6294

    I’ve been doing Bikram yoga for over 5 years, and have always enjoyed the relaxing effects from it. However, in the past few months I notice a fairly extreme fatigue for several hours following a class. It’s to the point where my long-distance boyfriend refuses to talk to me on the phone after a yoga class because he says I am lethargic and irritable.

    I am usually careful about my hydration and electrolytes, food intake, and sleep. It doesn’t seem to matter what time of day the class is, in fact the classes earlier in the day almost seem to wipe me out more. In the past couple of weeks this effect has intensified.

    Today, after looking over some of the posts on this thread and others on this site, I took an 11:30 class, being particularly mindful of not “overdoing it”. When I came home I had a homemade electrolyte drink. Still, I felt exhausted to the point of nausea, and had to lie down for nearly an hour. Even now, five hours later, I still feel kind of “blah”. As a holistic physician, I am truly perplexed. What the heck am I overlooking? 😛 Thanks in advance for your input.

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