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  • Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hey Sharon

    How are you feeling after your 5 days off? Did you go back to yoga?

    Let me know!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sharon

    Thanks for the info. It is helpful.

    Now … have I got the exercise for you? Yeah

    Go and Look At This Video about strengthening your core!

    This one will make a big difference for you, and quickly! (and easily!)

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sharon

    There is actually a LOT more to engaging core muscles than tightening stomach muscles. In fact, and this is very surprising to most people, doing the wrong kind of exercise and only tightening certain stomach muscles (the ones people focus on when sucking in the tummy) can actually WEAKEN the core muscles and be a danger to one’s back.

    If you receive my email newsletters there is a series of messages about just this. Also there is quite a bit about it on this forum.

    If one knows how to engage the core then often the act of sucking in the stomach can involve the core. However in a huge number of cases this is not happening. This is why many students who have beautiful abs, six packs and the like, can still have the worst back aches and end up in bed in debilitating pain. They look great, know how to suck in the stomach, but they are missing the vital core activation necessary to holistic health. What’s worse, the trouble happens with the most innocuous of movements.

    How do you think you go with core strength and your tummy muscles? The key is finding out if you have the ability to ‘turn on’ those core muscles at will, and when you’re doing ‘work’.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Natalia

    Have you ever heard of green smoothies? They normally have a fruit base (can have vegies too) but they also combine a significant amount of green leafy vegetables. When you know what to put in them you can make incredibly satisfying meals or snacks that are ready very fast and very importantly are DELICIOUS. Just having fruit smoothies can be very yummy but not provide the nutrition you need and want (too much sugar).

    Actually this is going to seem cheeky but I have actually written a book (Amazon best seller actually I am happy to say) called Green Smoothie Magic. So take a look at it and search around online. There are many recipes you will find on the net.

    There are all sorts of things you can add to smoothies to make them filling and have high value. Seeds, nuts, spirulina, sea salt, so many things, too numerous to mention.

    Smoothies and juices would certainly make a difference.

    Let me know how you go

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Romy

    The coincidences seem to be too strong in this case. And you are really experiencing something very risky. Although others may not appear to have the same reaction it is at least very significant that you see others struggling (some lying down and not participating etc).

    Is the same thing still occurring?

    Here are some calculators for something called Heat Index, the algorithm of how heat and humidity together have a potentiating effect.

    I am sure if you do some research on heat index, heat exhaustion and heat stroke you will find the indications of your scientifically verifiable negative (and what I think is dangerous) experience.

    Have you approached the studio owner yet with your concerns? Perhaps with evidence on your side you will have the right tools to make your point.

    Let me know how you go (and how you’re going now given it’s been a little while since you first posted)

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Agreed Paul!

    That smoothie recipe sounds great, btw

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Natalia

    I started broaching the subject in your other post. Appetites change. I would recommend packing some easy healthy snacks that you can take with you anywhere. Just graze a little throughout your day.

    Perhaps a green smoothie or a juice sometime to keep up your nutrition. A little bag of almonds. Or a healthy raw food bar. Or a fruit. You are possibly going too long between meals. Even though you’re not experiencing the same signs of hunger, your body is needing nourishment.

    So if you take small amounts of food several times a day, you may find a return to something a little more ‘normal’.

    Please let me know if that resonates for you.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi John

    It’s great that your sweating mechanisms have created some good responses to exercise.

    That susceptibility to cold is rather odd.

    Off the top of my head I do not have a comprehensive answer to you about that. It does seem on first look that it could be related to your recent Bikram yoga habit. But I don’t think that we can guarantee that is the cause. If it is related, we would need to nut out the mechanism, the how of what’s happening and why.

    So, I think some further investigation could be warranted. May I suggest perhaps reading a book called Performing in Extreme Environments by Lawrence Armstrong (or similar books on the same subject)? Find something similar in your library. Or find Larry online or other specialist to see if you can pose a question directly to them.

    In theory your circulation should improve.

    Maybe others can contribute. Please let me know what you come up with.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: STOMACH ACHE #10330

    Hello Natalia

    bunni has a point methinks!

    To me it sounds as though a major change to your eating and drinking habits may have some bearing on what is happening.

    With the written word and with little info it’s hard to get a real grasp on everything as you can well imagine. What I understand is that you eat well and avoid junk. At the moment you are perhaps not nourishing yourself in what one could say is a normal-for-you way.

    I would like to know your level of electrolyte intake through food or supplementation.

    I would also like to know if you drink (mostly vegetable) juices or green smoothies as part of your diet or if you are willing to consider making them a part.

    It’s possible at the moment you need to develop new habits to go with your changing hunger patterns. Something that will support you.

    So until I hear from you I can make a small suggestion: Keep drinking the small amounts more often. I agree, continue to drink during class at appropriate times. Perhaps in your water (especially during class and before) that you add a sprinkle of sea salt and you can choose to put in a few drops of lemon juice for flavour.

    Just a quick point too. I am not prescribing anything here. Just making some suggestions based on what you have written. I think that at some stage, if things don’t improve in the short term (and they possibly could with addressing simple hydration and nourishment issues) then you really would be well advised to see a doctor. It’s handy to have an idea of how you fit into the range of values that are considered normal. If you come out with normal values then so much the better. It won’t have been a wasted exercise.

    Get back to us! We’ll be here 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Rob

    That is great news. Kristin’s post was very helpful! What happens with hot yoga or more yang styles (and especially with spoken instruction) is that your conscious mind gets so busy with the instructions and other inputs that it quite literally does not have much or any space to think of anything else.

    This allows your unconscious mind to let go, follow the directions. Your thinking brain in many instances when you are not distracted, (and that is sporadic and not continual over the 90 minutes) starts to slow down. This is how your anxiety is being managed … SELF-MANAGED.

    In the beginning of your practice you are more likely to have a head more full of what’s going on in your physical environment. These things include the heat (!) the mirrors, where you’re putting what and where and how…, what you think you look like and other judgments (often no time for those, thankfully, but they do slip in).

    Over time you are training yourself to focus more and more on the finer distinctions of being in your yoga.

    Anyway, you are experiencing all that and it’s great to hear how much you have benefited in such a short time

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Thanks so much Wendy

    I guess I would add to the ‘pot’ that each can be successfully incorporated into your eating habits.

    What I think should be added to the ‘conversation’ that has been mind-read by us all is that we know what’s behind the question. In other words, what’s your outcome for considering juicing or smoothies or both?

    Weight loss, general health maintenance, regaining of health, a ‘cleanse’. I think (and maybe you agree Wendy or hey, disagree 😉 ) that the reasons why may determine how you incorporate them.

    Bottom line for me is either and or both are great ways of jamming in wonderful nutrients. Preferences, outcomes, lifestyle, habits, work schedule, family, budget, convenience and maybe more things all come into play as to what you choose.

    So Paul do share! :cheese: Is it all as clear as mud now? What are your druthers?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Lisa

    My tip: Try it! 🙂

    You’ll soon know what your needs are. That sounds silly but it’s honestly good advice.

    For example, if you have a good capacity bladder maybe you’ll be able to drink 1.5 liters in the morning and go to a class soon after, with a single trip to the toilet before class and that’s it.

    Others can barely drink a few glasses before they’re running out in the middle of class.

    Some people pace themselves and just keep on sipping until they get to class.

    Others just do what they can and sip when they need to during class.

    So there is no amount I can tell you that YOU have to drink (before class). Only that you have to drink. Remember your sea salt/electrolytes.

    Drink on waking. Please DO NOT be concerned about the ego-based decisions to challenge yourself to never drink in class. While there can be merit in a distraction free class where no drinking happens, if your body needs hydration then provide that. Just don’t use it as a crutch or an excuse for falling out, to fall out, or when you fall out.

    Allow yourself a settling in period to know what best suits your body, without judgment. (I had to mention the ‘no drink’ rule, because many teachers and students have a belief that drinking should never occur during class or at least not outside one particular point. Look around the forum at posts on hydration and electrolytes to learn more opinions.)

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jackie

    Oftentimes when people don’t change shape (or even put it on) it has something to do with hydration and electrolyte issues.

    Sometimes the body holds onto water when we’re lacking in electrolytes.

    So take a look around the forum and work out where you’re at with your intake of water and salts. There is a ton of information around. Use the search facility or go to the main page of the forum. If you honestly can’t find it then ask and I can direct you somewhere to start. Discovery is a great teacher!

    Also you mention you go 3 times per week mostly. Sometimes it is worthwhile to try to go more often for say 6-8 weeks. Give up some other commitments for that time and try to go 4-5 times. Even 6.

    Of course it could have something to do with your food intake. Type and amount. Usually type has the biggest effect given modern eating habits. Have you got any feedback there?

    Lastly you mention about your period. Without addressing other areas of your life, it would be hard for anyone to know. For example food and nutrition. Hydration. Exercise. Stress. Starting, stopping or changing contraceptive pill. Many things could be influential.

    Have you any other clues or input?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Paul

    Yes, you’re right! I do have a book about Green Smoothies! It’s called Green Smoothie Magic!

    Firstly, when I talk of juices and smoothies I really do make sure that I am talking about drinks that have a significant GREEN component in them. Otherwise they are sweet dessert-like drinks. However nice that is, it’s probably a sugar-overload… So for the sake of this post I am confining myself to green stuff plus other ingredients!

    Briefly to answer your questions:

    Super nutrient rich
    Use LOTS of vegetables and fruit to yield a smaller output (compared to smoothies)
    Lots of waste that you can use in cooking or compost (output dependent!)
    Removes the insoluble fibre
    Can’t juice everything. Eg bananas are best in smoothies. Soft fleshy fruits are difficult through most juicers
    Easy to drink
    Feels very cleansing (subjective!)
    Appears to be great when recovery is your aim (say from illness)
    Excellent to complement your smoothie habit
    Can add different powders and supplements to them and stir them through (particularly if they dissolve)
    Takes a long time to make if you have a slow juicer (recommended and the nutrients are preserved longer, can drink them over hours+) but if you use a fast one, drink it straight away finish it within 20 minutes
    Longer clean up time

    Also very nutrient rich
    You can put ANYTHING in a smoothie, even if those things don’t dissolve. A good powerful blender will pulverise just about anything
    Unlike juices you can pop in seeds, nuts, bananas, flesh and soft fruit and vegetables
    Retains the fibre
    Makes a thick very filling drink (can be as thin as you like with water or ice added)
    Pulverizes whole foods (dependent on source can include pips, skin, maybe bits you wouldn’t eat normally that have nutrients)
    Uses less ingredients to create a meal or snack
    Takes a lot less long to make a good amount
    Easy to make large amounts (EXCELLENT for a family: I could be at the juicer for 40 minutes for a couple of litres of juice for the family. I can make DIFFERENT smoothies for us in minutes)
    Easy clean up

    I am sure I didn’t get everything

    If you haven’t started then just try something! Juice or smoothie. Know that you will benefit from the best ingredients you can manage to put in them. That’s a no-brainer. Just do what you can.

    Some people can tolerate one type better than the other. I can tolerate both. When I am very busy I have to make green smoothies. Quick. Easy. Easy clean up. I can say I am hungry and be having a smoothie in minutes. If I want to have a juice it needs more forward planning.

    I love them both. I go through phases. Juices can tend to go WITH other foods. Smoothies tend to be drunk on their own. Again that’s going to be dependent on your preferences of how thick and time of intake.

    Did that help? 😆

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Juice Fast? #10317

    Hi Paul

    Thanks for posting. I notice you started another thread called “Smoothies & Juicing”. Since it’s exactly the same question I thought I would just pop in a ‘redirect’ here.

    It might be good for it to have its own home.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sharon and Paul

    Paul makes a good point. Everyday is great if your body can handle it. The process of yoga is also about recognising what your body is saying.

    Sometimes with herniated discs however, there are times where the pain can be quite bad through practice. As I mention in the book, it is not always the actual herniation but it can be the body’s reaction to it, ie the chemicals of inflammation.

    Rest is good. I like Paul’s suggested schedule.

    A word about the ‘addiction’. There are many who have had it. Part of my ‘prescription’ :cheese: is to force yourself to stay away one or 2 days. I did this when I first started. I found myself feeling disappointed because I couldn’t make class (if that happened) or worried about not making class. A teacher I had suggested this ‘cure’. It helped me let go of the attachment and the self-torment (if I could name it although that sounds way too harsh).

    Oh, you both have my book! Thank you so much! :coolsmile: Go to page 184-185 for the alternative Savasana which will give you enormous relief between many of the floor poses. Obviously you won’t use it for the belly down but from fixed firm onward generally works!

    Taking this savasana also gives you an alternative to the sit-up. Seems you need one at the moment.

    Right now at my desk I am sitting on a balance disc. It is an air-filled disc 35 cm in diameter. It allows me to sit more actively (I already sit actively) by allowing MOVEMENT in my back.

    They are inexpensive. I have used mine almost everyday since June last year when I bought it. I could tell it was nice to sit on and provided movement but couldn’t tell how much it was doing for me … until, on occasion the disc is not on the chair. THEN it’s patently clear that sitting in chairs is just not good for your health.

    Have you been receiving my emails? If you have, check for a series about sitting. They don’t mention the disc. They are about angles of legs, spine position and other helpful information etc. I get a lot of email feedback (positive 😉 ) about them.

    Sharon if you want to ask about Rabbit and Sep Leg Head to Knee, then can we do that in their sections, please? I think that it will be better so these threads don’t go off track.

    Phew! I hope that gets us started.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Fluid retention #10310

    Hi Abby

    Actually I think you need to stop avoiding salt. Take sea salt. Take electrolytes. Take something to balance your body’s needs. You may be mineral deprived.

    Please also take a look around the forum about challenges. In a nutshell, 6 days out of 7 (optional 7th day, but available as a rest day). See why!

    Thanks for the kind words

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Patti

    May I have some more info please?

    > What happened to cause this problem? (Tell me if it’s relevant).
    > Is this a new thing?
    > What does your doc (?) say about fixing this? Is it possible or is it one of those injuries with no possibility of fixing? I understand that happens sometimes.
    > Do you get numbness and pain doing regular activities such as walking or standing or anything else?
    > What treatments have you ever had?
    > If you do get pain/numbness what relieves it? Is it just a function of not doing something, or do you get massage, or have to rub your own foot?

    Whatever you can give me may give me more idea… or not :cheese: LOL I am aiming to get a better sense of the situation.

    Just wondering as I close this post off, when you say you compensate I am wondering if you do that by bringing your weight into the left big (and poss second toe) to lift the middle part of the foot off the mat? Sort of leaving the outside of the foot light or completely off the floor. If that’s not right would you please put words to it?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: weak feet? #10299

    Hi Summer

    Are you still in there? I have some ideas for you regarding your questions!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Patti

    Are you saying that the ball of your foot hurts in all poses at all times? Is it possible that during the poses you are pressing into the toes to try and get the weight off the ball of the foot?

    I would like just a little more info to be able to help you.

    Which toes are affected specifically? Toe 1, 2, 3, 4, or 5 (1 is big toe)

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi John

    I guess you weren’t really concerned with this whole hot yoga hydration and electrolyte thang while you’ve been troubleshooting your hernia issues. Thanks for the fantastic updates by the way.

    Are your questions still the same on this thread? I assume you’re saying that the temps were lower in Sara’s classes. Did that make it better?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Romy

    I know this is a long time coming so here goes … I think you’re talking about Salabhasana and not Poorna Salabhasana. Is that right?

    Are you talking about the pose where you lie on your arms? I will just ask you to clarify so we’re both ‘on the same page’

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Green Smoothie #10295

    Hi Joan

    Are you still taking smoothies every day? I was wondering if you still have the same issue you had before (re bathroom visits)

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Shoulder injury #10294

    Hello Beverly

    How did you go using the strap in the manner in which I described? I hope everything is going well

    Gabrielle 🙂

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