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  • Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Ab exercise ball #10234

    Hi John

    It’s on the Free Videos page. You’ll see the size of ball I recommend – a size 3.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Me too John, I am ‘watching this space’ with interest and anticipation!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Paula and Kristen

    You’ve been having a fine old conversation! Thank you for your care and great contributions Kristen! Always appreciated!

    Paula, can I be so bold to ask if you have my book? If you do I can point you to pages that have many answers to your problems. Now, this is not intended to be a shameless ad, but I would like to let you know that Hot Yoga MasterClass is available on Amazon in paperback only since December 2012 and it is very much more affordable! than the big hardcover spiral bound deluxe edition that has been in circulation since 2008. If you don’t, don’t worry, I will still help you! 😆

    You need a way to enter into forward bend poses so that you can work the pose at its destination, without damaging yourself on the way in or out, and then fully participate in the pose to get all the healing you deserve and so desire!

    Unless there is a lot more to your story that we are yet to uncover I am POSITIVE we can get you where you need to be.

    In the meantime I have some homework for you. You see, you gave me some hints in your posts that tell me that your technique is letting you down, you may not have been taught correctly, and although your teacher is understanding it is possible that some things are being missed that will help you.

    So, please go and take a look at my free videos and blogs. Although I am positive that all the free content will give you something to work with, the ones I want you to start with are: Opening Up Your Hamstrings With Hot Yoga and Flatten Your Tummy And Strengthen Your Back.

    The Hamstrings one will give you a major key to help you in many poses. More than most realise. I will help you with that when the time comes. The Tummy/Back one will help you build your core strength easily and very quickly. It is possible that you are having trouble activating your core for your poses, if I am reading your posts correctly. If that’s not the case, that exercise is something you will love in any case. 😉

    There are things to do for your neck but let’s take one step at a time.

    You have some homework to do!

    Oh, oh, oh, just realised I need to tell you that at anytime you need relief for your back you can get on the floor and do a child’s pose. Toes together, knees apart, sit on heels, hands under shoulders then walk the hands forward and out to get beautiful traction in the spine from fingers to hips. Do this in class. And I do think that you should be skipping sit-ups until we sort out some major big chunks for you.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Keli

    Thanks for posting on the forum! I am sure others will benefit from your question.

    I believe, given your great descriptions, that you need to use a strap. So keep doing that. You cannot benefit from a beautiful posture (in your body) if what you’re practising is a collapsed one.

    What I want you to make sure is that you manipulate the hold on the strap to mimic what your hand would do if you were holding your foot. In other words the hand will be holding the strap so that the palm faces forward, the elbow bends backwards and not at all out to the side, with the arm in close to the body. In this way the shoulder is down and back allowing your back to be upright. Obviously both shoulders should be symmetrically positioned.

    Should your knee be down and back or up and out? Well, frankly, it’s a matter of how you are able to maintain that good posture (arm, shoulder, body, foot on thigh somewhere) and the SURRENDER of the leg to gravity.

    There is a time in your progress where you will be able to more actively work the leg down and back against the traction created in this triangle of muscular action.

    For those wondering if they should use a strap at all, the answer generally goes like this: If you can stand up and have some hand to ankle or foot contact to give you some traction and you can surrender your knee to gravity EVEN IF it is waving high in the air 😉 then you don’t need a strap. If nothing you can do with your standard operational human equipment can get your foot to stay somewhere on your leg while you stand tall then a strap or towel is a good idea. That way you can use the right muscles and simultaneously let go of the other ‘right’ muscles to make progress.

    Thanks for your compliments about the app and mp3!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Mitch

    With regard to your question about Kapalbhati, I really don’t think that there’s a special thing that a specific yoga pose does to one’s heart.

    Have you been told that exercise will improve your bradycardia? Because therein lies your key.

    I cannot know about your situation simply from the diagnosis, but I do know that I have only ever (personally) met one person for whom exercise (and I mean ANY) was absolutely contraindicated.

    Is your bradycardia an electrical issue or one that results from a muscular issue or one that ensues from a more sedentary lifestyle? I can’t answer those questions! But the responses may determine the direction your lifestyle takes.

    Perhaps electrolytes and other elements of nutrition have been considered to make sure your heart ‘fires’ correctly. Without holistic information, it’s really honestly hard to say.

    Pranayama exercises such as ‘Pranayama’ and ‘Kapalbhati’ are controlled breathing exercises. Generally these (and exercise) will improve cardiac output and cardiac function.

    Oh, finally I would like to say, that I wouldn’t just be doing Kapalbhati because it would help. I would be finding a yoga series (this one? another?) that would create holistic health for you. Nothing works in isolation in your entire body. Benefits to one ‘system’ usually benefit the entire organism.

    I hope that helps in some way

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Numbness in thumbs #10220

    Hi Amanda

    Yes, skip it. See where and if the tingling happens elsewhere in your practice. I would think you want to know if it happens elsewhere.

    Please also, if your leg is splaying out, don’t go that far into the pose. Please when you attempt this pose again, only go as far with correct technique as you can with your hips in alignment and report back after a class or 2 of doing that. Of course that is in addition to doing a class without any Standing Bow at all! 😉

    It seems too, that your body may need rest. If you’re having issues, then perhaps it’s a sign to let go of your challenge. Sorry! That’s just the way I feel about it. I don’t believe in challenges that insist on daily classes with doubles if you miss one so that you practise 30 on 30. IMHO any challenge should be 6 obligatory classes (no doubles) with any extra classes including ones on days off and any doubles not to count and also not to create an atmosphere of achievement and attachment to the goal of getting a challenge done rather than an outcome of yoga-related benefits. So, please examine why you’re doing this challenge particularly in light of your issues at the moment. If you’re comfortable continuing then go ahead! 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Numbness in thumbs #10218

    Hi Amanda

    Are you doing 30 days straight? Or are you taking a day off per week?

    It’s possible you have other information that could be relevant. You don’t mention if it’s one or both hands. Does it only happen with bow pose? If it does, what would happen (an experiment for you) if you didn’t do bow pose? Where does the tingling appear now, if it does at all?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Ang

    I love a happy ending! Or should I say beginning?

    Thanks for coming back to tell me the great news

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Facial swelling #10215

    Hi Donna

    If you wouldn’t mind spelling out exactly what happens, when, under what circumstances, how long it lasts, how long it takes to dissipate, what electrolytes you choose to take and when do you take them. Anything that you can offer will be really helpful. Start by reading this thread to see if there are any questions that you too could answer.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Ab exercise ball #10205

    Hi Paula

    Just try it out the way you get it when you buy it. It may be just perfect.

    If not let out a tiny bit using the needle from a bike pump. Moisten it and then put it in the valve and release a tiny bit of air.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048
    in reply to: Ab exercise ball #10201

    Hi Paula

    It’s a size 3 ball. That should make it easier! They’re everywhere. Sports stores. Amazon. I even found some (in the US) at several mainly sportswear stores.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Paula

    Thanks so much!

    Because of the heat index, which is a wonderful little algorithm that shows the combined effects of heat and humidity, you can increase your perception of the heat in your home studio by increasing the humidity. You don’t actually have to increase the heat!

    If you search on this forum with the word ‘humidifier’ I am certain you’ll find some brands and prices of machines. I do know that this hasn’t been talked about specifically (the machines that is!) for quite some time, so use them as the basis for your research on Amazon etc.

    I do recall some heavy duty large ones for under $100 ($60 from memory). Get the most powerful one for your budget. It will work wonders. Anyway you’ll find lots of other tips (including insulation) when you do that search.

    Regarding abs strength: On the app you’ll see that the right and (what I and others experience to be) the wrong way to do a sit-up is demonstrated. Check that out. That will help you increase your core strength during the sit-up. Otherwise you can actually weaken your core, whilst looking like you’re getting nice firm abs. There’s a difference!

    The place you want to go to for a FANTASTIC exercise is right here: The video called “Flatten Your Tummy And Strengthen Your Back”. This will definitely and easily and very effectively (and quickly) strengthen abs, core and back!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi karmagirl

    Thank you! :cheese:

    What you’re doing is perfect! Just keep doing it. I am sure you can feel the work. It’s not the height that is important (as you can tell). It’s more the work that is happening as you lift and as you lower (without the heels touching but getting close) to the floor. Sounds tough at the mo, but that’s a short term thing! Come back and let me know how it’s going… I would be really interested to hear how you are progressing.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Ang

    When you have straight legs and back then your hands must be holding at the heels. Directly from behind or at an angle. The hands should never be coming in directly from the sides (at right angles) and the grip should not be further forward than the heel (never at the arch either). So if you are holding the toes then please bend the legs. You will still be able to have a straight back. In fact it should feel rather great that you can feel a bigger stretch through your back as it even arches a bit (in many people). Your elbows will be pointing backward and never out to the side.

    Does that make sense?

    Without bend your legs and arms in this way your body is missing out on the possibility of finding the sweet spot of this pose! Have fun in discovery. 😉 This should be more gentle on your knees.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Ang

    Sorry if I sound as if I am repeating myself, but I am not sure, so please clarify: Is your final pose with straight legs and rounded back. I realise you have a straight back all the way down. What do you do to finish this pose?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Eileen

    My first instinct was to consider patellofemoral syndrome. This is consistent with what you say is happening.

    I could ask you a few questions ….

    >> OK so, where are you holding at the feet for floor bow?
    >> Are you able to feel 2 dimensions in your so-called kick? Can you feel the backward component of your feet and the upward component of your knees? If you cannot, then please try to do so.
    >> In camel, are you reaching for and pulling from the soles or the heels?
    >> When you feel that pain is it always above the patella?
    >> In fixed firm can you tell me if your bottom is on the floor? What do you mean by ‘it is flared’?

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Emily

    I wonder about the conditions in the studio at which you practice. I wonder if you are suffering some mild chronic heat exhaustion.

    The lower frequency of classes may have given you enough recovery time before. The increase in classes may have been enough to ‘tip you over the edge’.

    Try sea salt as your electrolyte supplementation. In and on your food. Even add some to your water (and drops of lemon juice) to see if this wonderful tonic can make a difference to your ability to cope during your practice.

    The muscular aching can also be a result of (and is likely to be the result of) some less than optimal techniques in some of your poses. If you have a sense of where your muscles are aching, which poses and other information, and how you get relief, then share those things.

    The yoga, when done correctly, does/should not cause muscular pain, not in the way you describe it. Sure, there are times when one can be fatigued by too much yoga. But then, if that is happening then one is not listening to the body or perhaps not allowing sufficient recovery time between classes.

    Reading your words I note that you used STIFFNESS and DISCOMFORT. Discomfort can happen with say, a body that is realigning. Stiffness is usually not ‘functional’ or rehabilitative pain. It usually means that the pose action is being misinterpreted or the focus could be better applied.

    I would be surprised if the mattress is involved – unless your mattress has a big dip in the middle or causes you to roll to one edge or something.

    How is that ‘lymph node discomfort’ now?

    Hope this response has you thinking more about what’s going on. Perhaps you can tell me if anything resonates for you. Maybe some answers will help you/us clarify the situation

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi karmagirl 😉

    So! That was a wonderfully detailed post. Thanks.

    Rather than go into everything right now I would like to assure you that yes! things will get better… with a frequent regular practice.

    Please do a search using the facility top right. Type the word ‘scolio’ or ‘scoliosis’. You can put part words in.

    Alignment for you is key. Work with the breath. Don’t be concerned about differences in the depth of each side of a pose (eg half moon).

    Next go and see the blog post: Opening Up Your Hamstrings With Hot Yoga. This has the key to your rounded back as described.

    When you are sitting with legs out in front, you need to bend your legs in (either with heels together or heels down on the floor) such that you can roll forward onto your sit bones and sit up with an appropriately arched and not rounded spine. This is the same principle you will discover in the above blog post. In the poses where this occurs (have fun discovering) you will create traction between legs and torso and torso and arms which will create opening. If you lock out the legs inappropriately (as per dialog instructions) you will work against this and cause frustration. So listen to your body and apply the techniques described elsewhere in this forum, on that blog and in my books.

    Although I could go on about more things to do, I honestly think you have enough to work on at the moment. Come back when you have more questions about the above, or when you want to move on.

    Besides, you have excellent body awareness and your descriptions were very helpful so I have great faith you will make some discoveries based on what you do with the above info

    Gabrielle 🙂

    PS While you are at it, go to the Free Yoga Videos and apply the breathing video tips to help with your posture and the flatten the tummy/strengthen the back video tips to strengthen your core. Oh and the foot video to help your alignment! :cheese:

    The distinctions you make will completely change your focus to effective rehab and a physiologically sound practice to grow strength, flexibility and have great poses too!

    PPS Thanks bunni! 😉

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sonia

    Actually, the best thing is that you focus on traction in the arms and rounding (up and out) of the spine.

    My best educated and intuitive responses without any further description of what you were doing is that when you were in the pose, your attempts to get your knees to touch your head sabotaged the entire pose for you. That tension created in your neck, shoulders and arms was the reason for the anxious breath. You have now experienced firsthand that relying on the dialog instructions has actually caused this problem. What’s better than that, is that because of this process you’re better learning how to listen to, and work with your body.

    So don’t be trying to create that head to knee contact again. OK, use it as an experiment. When you think you have this pose sussed, move your knees in again and see what happens! Come back and report! I think you’ll be surprised 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sonia

    I would do one of 2 things:

    1) do some long held pigeons or other long held poses where the emphasis is release, breath, focus and awareness. 2-3 minutes each side.


    2) simply lie down and breathe. Nothing else. Just breathe.

    Actually one of the things I love, Love, LOVE to do is to go in beforehand, lie on my belly, possibly with head on my folded arms. close my eyes and just breathe. Often I will fall asleep. After a day of distraction either mindful observation of breath or sleeping will refresh me and get me focused and ready for class!

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Nuala

    Can you get back to us please and let us know if this is still an issue? I believe I can help you with a technique issue that is probably holding you back…

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Jonny

    If your breasts are impeding your height and transferring pressure to your elbows because your arms are together there is something you can do.

    My suggestion is to experiment with your arm placement. While the ‘dialog’ tells you to get your arms as close as you can get them, this may be causing you grief. Find a position that is OK for the elbows. This may mean moving them apart a little bit.

    You can move arms in and outward to achieve better comfort for your breasts, elbows and wrists. Of course your arms should always be symmetrically placed.

    With breast implants you may have to be satisfied that this pose will have its limits for you. You may never be able to get the leverage by ‘pressing your heart’ into the floor, but you can create a sufficiently satisfying pose! 😉

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sonia

    Try this: Curl down normally with chin in, but let your head land where it lands on the floor. For this exercise, lift up into rabbit without trying to keep your head touching your knees. Because your head will rotate when you lift your hips up, often a small space occurs between knees and forehead as they naturally separate a little. Allow that to occur.

    Also, just relax. Breathe – allow the LOWER ribs to expand in the process.

    Let me know if this works.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sonia

    Quick questions: I assume you’re able to breathe for the entry. So at what precise point do you find yourself unable? Is it when your head hits the ground, when the hips go up, when you walk your knees to touch the forehead? You may need to wait til you go to class to work out this precise moment.

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Gabrielle (The Hot Yoga Doctor)
    Forum Owner
    Post count: 3048

    Hi Sarya

    Welcome! The question to ask any woman is: How do you feel about it? I conceived at a time when I was practising 5+ times per week. (I was very careful not to say I conceived while I was doing Bikram yoga :lol:)

    It is entirely your choice. I think that because I did yoga throughout my entire pregnancy I was able to have an incredibly enjoyable time. I modified several of the poses from month 4 or so, because I wanted to participate in the hot classes.

    Please go and look through this category of threads for a lot of things that have been covered for people who have asked similar questions.

    If you’re healthy and there’s no big risk factor and you eat well, hydrate well and take sea salt and vitamins such as folate etc that are recommended for pregnancy then there’s every reason to continue. There could be issues IF the temperatures in the studio are abnormally and consistently high. Temperatures of around body temp are absolutely fine. Let me know about that aspect and we can take it from there.

    Gabrielle 🙂

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