Forum Replies Created
in reply to: 30 Day Challenge #9738
Hi Pallavi and Wayne
How did that challenge go P? I am wondering if you are still eating the same diet: Yoghurt, rice and steamed veggies. Let me know.
I for one prefer to add in (and I would definitely advocate eating) more raw veggies. Salads, juices, smoothies. If you aren’t used to eating salads, then add in a salad. And then add in another. And so on and so forth.
Find the balance. Enjoy your food (if you’re that kind of person :cheese:) and as I read somewhere recently, put a sign up somewhere or just remember that ‘salad is your main meal’. Everything else, including the grains and the meat if you choose it and the cooked stuff, is the food on the side.
Does that help? Is that what you were after?
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: How much does everyone sweat? #9737Hi Erica
Yes, that is true for the most part. There are exceptions. There is definitely a physiological acclimatization process that includes attenuating the loss of electrolytes! But as I say, that’s only most people, not everyone! Life is never that simple. 😆
Gabrielle 🙂Hi Alicia
I notice nobody has responded to your post! I have been away and so now that I am back I will ask you firstly:
Did you start your hot yoga practice? And if so, what have been your experiences?
If you haven’t then I will answer those questions with pleasure. I would certainly love to know how you’ve been going.
The good news is that I believe that you should get positive results on all of those major 3 areas you mention. I will go into more detail when you get back to me. It won’t take so long to get a response this time I promise!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Numbness in hands #9735Hi Courtney
Thanks for posting! I have been away for a few weeks. OK, so are you still feeling that numbness? Are you right handed or left handed? Would you be willing to tell me what nature of work you do? I would like to get more of a sense of the use of your arms!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: New floor, new ailments #9734Hi Natalie
Can you tell me if the carpet before had underlay? Was it soft and spongy? Is it that you feel a difference now that the floor has less give? I am trying to paint a picture for myself in order to help you with some ideas? Is the new floor a sealed concrete floor? I know it’s grey but can’t be sure of the nature of the new material.
Now that it has been 3 weeks, is there any change in your response? (Legs, ankles and calves, knees still hurting? Neck and shoulders?)
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Arms over head aggravate neck/shoulder problem #9733Hi Natalie
I can only imagine that you are STILL in the same pain you were in when you posted 3 weeks ago.
The only way to resolve this problem is not to continually cause it every time you do yoga. Sounds flippant but it’s absolutely the answer.
Every time you put your arms over your head you are probably doing your best to follow the directions. You are also worsening the problem. Meanwhile it’s also highly possible that your teachers are telling you to ‘listen to your body’.
Your body is currently telling you to bend your arms. Next time you go to class, raise your arms over your head, and only lengthen and straighten them as far as they will go WITH YOUR SHOULDERS RELAXED and NO PAIN in your neck. Your palms may not be together, it doesn’t really matter. Your arms will be either bent just a tiny bit or they’ll be bent quite a lot.
Your only issue is that IF your teachers notice, they may say “Natalie, straighten (or lock) your arms” (Or “squeeze your head with your arms” etc). Please just listen to your body, keep the arms over your head in a way that will maintain your relaxed shoulder position. The very INSTANT that your chin starts to drop is another sign that your arms are too straight.
You must allow this to resolve and then I promise you (and just about guarantee you) that you will one day be able to straighten your arms and squeeze your head with no pain, but ONLY if you start now by allowing some flexibility into your own approach.
You may need to try being out of your teachers’ radars in a seldom seen part of the room!
Please tell me how you go
Gabrielle 🙂Thanks for being patient, I am back from my teacher training program now, and catching up with all my forum posts!
in reply to: more Knee pain #9732Hi Jayne
Thanks for being patient! Can you please tell me where on that knee you are feeling the pain? Inside, outside, left, right, the patella where?
You have posted in Standing Bow so I wondered if you have the issue in this pose too.
I am glad you’re not pushing it and that you’re trying to build strength. I don’t think I know enough yet… Do I take it you are strengthening the knees by creating space by activating the quads? What else are you doing? Anything outside of yoga class?
Gabrielle 🙂Hi Tania
I actually answered something VERY similar to this only weeks before your past – and with resounding success… Perhaps you’ll also have similar results…
OK, so instead of bringing your knees together touching, just let the leg come into alignment in the starting position directly under the hip. The knees probably will not touch at all (well, actually they won’t!). Then just keep those hips in alignment as you press your foot backward and your knee upward…
Tell me how you go!
Gabrielle 🙂Hi Wayne
That’s very weird! The tale of 2 tootsies 😆 I hope you are OK. Sometimes weird inexplicable stuff happens for a short time. Was it one of these times? Can you tell me if you have still got this strange issue happening in your non-bunionized foot? If it’s resolved then I would love to know. If it’s not then I have an idea.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Back pain & tightness since starting Bikram #9729Hi Joni
May I ask you a few questions? 😉 Here goes: When you go to the chiropractor what specifically is your chiro waiting for (when you say he has to wait for your core to relax)? Are you lying down or sitting? Is it a spinal adjustment that he is doing on you or some soft tissue work?
Nextly: I am just wondering about your 6 pack muscles (rectus abdominis). Are they well-formed? Do you do sit-ups with the Bikram yoga scripted rounded over double exhale bouncy maneuver where you end up with a rounded back kinda bouncing over your legs with your head down?
I would like to help you but at the mo I am not really sure about what is going on in your thighs because I need some more information. Do you get the impression that it’s related to your back pain? Can you feel the pain in your back and the side of your thighs at the same time? Can you please tell me which poses you feel this in? It may be worst in triangle pose but that seems to indicate to me that you are experiencing the issue elsewhere. 😉
I would really like to know more about one’s practice before I could recommend staying away from forward bends. So, Joni, if you’re in there, please let me know where you’re at. I have been away at my Teacher Training program and have been out of action as far as the forum goes, but I am back now.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Locked Knees and Hamstring Injury #9728Hi Tajana
I am back! hehehe
OK, so let’s get back on track. After all this time, you should feel more flexible – at least a little. Your stretching should not feel so much like effort. I don’t know if have been trying to improve the strength of your hamstrings! Do tell, please. I really believe this is at least part of the answer. As you may have read that trying to stretch through a weaker muscle will only prolong the problem.
If you are suffering from hamstring pain for a long time and it’s a strain to warm up and other tell tale signs then you owe it to yourself to fix this. You do seem to indicate in your first post that there’s perhaps a little too much ‘trying hard’ and pushing in your practice.
I do know it’s been 2 months since you posted, so to start Tajana, can you tell me what’s happened and what action you’ve taken?
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Just some guidance please #9727Hi Claudia!
Wow, long time no speak… :cheese:
May I take your lead and get an update from you please? I have read the entire thread now and would love to know where you’re at.
Gabrielle 🙂Hello yogabunny246
Any revelations from reading that post we directed you to? Your problems are very common and go part and parcel with the way Bikram yoga is taught – via script which introduces many problems that is evident by the number of backaches and tight hamstrings (and many other issues) that people contact me about.
The problem is that the practice makes you feel great even when one does things incorrectly and causes damage. Hence, why so many people come and report that they are doing yoga many times per week and still feeling back (or whatever) pain and that it is not letting up.
The problems you are experiencing are most likely related to some fundamental mistakes that you are probably unwittingly making every single time you practice.
The answer is NOT to work through stuff when the ‘stuff’ you are doing is causing pain and damage. The answer is to use the principles of alignment and proper functioning of the body to make the poses work for you and to open up the body … and to create the conditions of pain-free function and living in a joyful body as well as your peaceful mind!
Please let me know. I am sure I can help you!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Left Hip Pain #9725Hi Lisa
It’s true, getting an MRI to see if there’s anything is probably the first port of call! I literally have so many forum posts to answer before I get to the details of Cristy’s issue that she would have time to see if there’s any underlying cause that’s obvious…
It is highly possible that there is something happening in her practice…
I will get there – and thanks for posting. I appreciate it.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Numbness in butt, avoid back bends? #9721Hi Feng
How hard are you squeezing your butt when you go into your backbends?
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Left Hip Pain #9719Hi Cristy
I will get there as quickly as I can. Hang in there. I have questions!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Left Hip Pain #9716Hi Cristy
I am WAY behind on answering forum posts BUT I am starting at the wrong end of the pile just for you. :cheese: It is that important for me to let you know that I believe I COULD have some answers for you, that I have bucked tradition!
There is a LOT I can ask you about what you’re doing.
[strong]No, I do not think you should work through the pain.[/strong] And if you like we can try to work through your issues together before you go for an MRI.
Let me work through some of these overdue forum posts – as I have been a month away at my own Hot Yoga Teacher Training. I will get back to you. Are you willing to work with me?
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: So what do you wear? #9705Hi Katrina
What an interesting concept! Keep me posted (perhaps PM me if you decide to go ahead).
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Breastfeeding #9704Hi Jennifer
There is no reason to miss your yoga anymore. Just drink lots and remember to supplement with some good quality sea salt. It will help you and your little boy! I remember I was drinking 4-6 litres a day when I was doing yoga while breastfeeding. I was quite a prolific supplier! :cheese:
A few things for you: In the belly down poses it can be mighty uncomfortable to lie on your breasts as they fill. So in savasanas bring your arms out in front of you forearm on forearm and lay your forehead on one arm and just relax your head and neck there. No need to look to the sides as that could be uncomfortable for your neck.
Hmmm what else? Will it change your milk supply? Well, it didn’t for me. So I am not sure if the heat would do that. Some people’s supply just runs out at 6 months or 9 months or just keeps going. Robert told you I kept going for a long time. Just keep up the fluids and the salt and don’t run marathons. Just enjoy the exercise. The body shape will change without you expressly aiming for that. Too much exercise (and perhaps with the wrong intention and creating too much expectation around shape change) may have an effect. I am all for enjoying stress free yoga (albeit with great challenge) and motherhood.
PS while I remember, my pelvis changed a LOT after childbirth. For 5 months I could not get my legs together in double leg wind removing pose. If you have something like that where you need help, just pop back here onto the forum and we can work out how you can manage any differences! 😉
I hope that helps you!
Hey Bunni
Have a wonderful experience with your baby’s birth!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Bulging Discs #9694Hi Dawn
Thanks for writing. A few questions for you: Had you done yoga or hot yoga before? How did you decide that locust would be something to avoid or modify? I just want to know what you know and your decision making process. It could be that you were talking about locust single or double leg lift, or even full locust. Please let me know. Yes, Rabbit was a good call.
There are other forward bends in the series that might be better modified too. What does your physician (and your body intuition) tell you?
What movements cause you pain normally?
What sensations did you have in backbends?
Are you aware of the quality of the teaching at the studio you go to? You didn’t get any modifications. Did you ask for some? Does this studio recite a script?
Just needing to ask questions to see where this can take us. Also what do you do to get relief?
That’s all for now!
Gabrielle 🙂Hi Tania
Not good to feel pain! Sorry to hear that. Thanks for posting by the way and welcome to the forum. Can you tell me whether the instruction you hear tells you to bring your knees together for standing bow after you pick up your foot? Can you also tell me where your knees are hurting and if it only happens in these 2 poses and at no other time (in or out of the studio)?
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Just some guidance please #9667Hi Claudia
Just letting you know, my Teacher Training program starts tomorrow. I will get back to you on a day off! Stay tuned!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Easy Weight Loss With Hot Yoga? #9666Hi Amie
Can you please tell me which specific poses you feel that dizziness in? You say ALL those poses but please confirm with names of poses to be sure!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Need help with my toe stand #9664Hi Denise
Are you arms too short? Well no! :cheese: They’re the perfect length! Seriously though, tell me, when you bring your hips to your heels can you bring BOTH your hands to the floor beside you and balance? The answer to this will guide us in the right direction.
The fact that you can’t get your spine straight can be a result of MANY issues, including a selection or combination of the following:
* Leg strength and flexibility
* Hip flexibility
* Core strength
* Ankle or toe strength or flexibility
* Using too much force with hands together
* Fighting balance by trying to get your knee into a specific position.Which if any of those resonate for you?
One key (specifically regarding your knee) is to relax your upper leg. Don’t TRY to do anything with it. Let it surrender to gravity.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Source for Himalayan salt? #9655Hi bunni
Actually I buy my salt at the local organic food store in bulk. It’s much cheaper that way in my experience. What type you buy may be dependent on where you live. Are you in the US? There are plenty of great mineral profile salts available. I am pretty sure (and I can’t see why it would be different) that Himalayan salt is the same just in different grain or chunk sizes.
I know you can buy a very inexpensive variety of pure sea salts. If you have difficulties then maybe we can point you in another direction
Gabrielle 🙂 -