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in reply to: very firm, lol! #6343
Please let us know your progress Jessica!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Juice fasting and bikram yoga #6337Hi Cyberry
Well that definitely puts a different spin on your situation.
Congratulations on giving up smoking. Please tell us if you have been a heavy smoker. I have been waiting to find out what your other health challenges were (as referred to in an recent post) so thanks for sharing your news.
It really seems to me that the best ‘detox’ you will get in response to giving up smoking is full deep breathing.
So, how would it be to change your intention to make your breath your primary focus? While what you eat is very important, if your body is crying out for food because you can’t find the energy to go to class and action your yoga and deep breathing, then find something that will fill that hole that fits into your cleanse definition. Maybe it will be raw organic green vegetables. I don’t know. Your body has a lot to do. Two weeks is the beginning of the process because it will take more than that to reverse the years of smoking. So make whatever you do sustain and support you in everything you do. I am looking forward to hearing how it transpires for you mentally and physically if you’re willing to share.
Have fun on your health crusade
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: tendonitis #6336Hi Erdo
Hey, I have a few moments before I head out. I located a couple of threads where I am sure I talked about Iliotibial band problems and yoga before. Please go and check out this link Knee Pain and this link Tight Hips and Sciatic/Piriformis Issues and see if they help you.
And then please come back and add to your post or update us to let us know if ‘we’ can help you further.
Happy to help
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Juice fasting and bikram yoga #6330Hi Cyberry
It seems you are committed to your yoga practice and to your short-term cleanse. Your words seem to imply you are either following a plan or getting someone’s professional help or advice.
If you are sticking with your cleanse then my suggestion is to stick with it and then modify your practice to suit your energy levels and ability. You may find yourself feeling more or less energetic, maybe unable to do all the poses in every class, you may find you have to rest in class, or skip a class. Choose your ‘barometer’ and then stick with it. It’s only 2 weeks. Your yoga practice is about mindfulness. You are the one making the choice to eat differently. So don’t get caught up on whether you can or can’t do your yoga. Notice it, adapt and before you know it your 2 weeks will be up.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: What are the benefits of a 30-day challenge #6329Hi Nynn
Firstly, I can only guess how disappointed you are feeling that you couldn’t finish your challenge. Please let that go and focus on YOU! Denying your body and your needs is not part of a healthy yoga practice. The challenge is not bigger than you. You have to prevail!
Would you please go and get full blood work up? I think it’s important to investigate what’s going on regarding your essential components.
It’s not normal to have this problem. The only time I have seen severe nose bleeding was at teacher training with someone who was taken to hospital. Whatever she had had been brewing for some time and she came to training with it. It was likely that she was majorly stressed physiologically and mentally. I cannot comment on your current or recent state of being. So go and sort that out before we make suggestions or try to come up with reasons. It is possible that your problem has also been brewing for a while and it has just surfaced now. Until you know what is going on you won’t know if it is because of, or it if has nothing to do with your yoga practice.
My warmest wishes for your speedy recovery
If you’re willing please come back and share what happens
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: mysterious knee injury several months ago #6326Hi Wendy
Robert and I were talking today (as we do!) about knees! Sometimes MRIs don’t show everything. It could be a meniscal or ligamental problem that is in there! Robert was saying how his physio also told him this when he went with his knee problem years ago. He also empathized and recognized the parallel with his own leg about too much and too little activity causing the pain.
What I would like to offer is this. I would like to ask if you are willing to change your walking and standing habit to turn your feet in to a parallel position? Try this. Plus also see if you can sit in a regular kneeling position: With hips on heels and knees together, tops of feet flat on floor. This may be difficult for any number of reasons so use whatever padding you need, under your ankles or knees, under your bottom, wherever. Just try that and see if this position can start to restore balance in the muscles and ligaments. Do this whenever you can. If you watch TV do it then.
Let me know how you go with this. When you decide to go back to yoga, come here and we can talk about the modifications for poses so you can approach them with safety instead of the dread that you have in your mind about it.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: 30 Day Challenge Advice…? #6324Great Shona
I am relieved that that suggestion resonated for you. I only have your words. You’d be surprised what is often hidden beneath them. 😉
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: 30 Day Challenge Advice…? #6322Hi Shona
Congratulations on getting to where you’re at right now. That shows some great commitment.
You may not like what I have to tell you!!! I think you need some rest. I think that the 30 day challenge has morphed itself into something less user-friendly. Sure many people can do 19 days in a row. But when forced into it by some ‘competition’ that is created outside of yourself it may not always work for every body.
The challenges have always been 60 days long with 6 classes per week with one day off. Recovery and rest are just as important to your yoga routine as the yoga itself.
If you still want to continue with your challenge and not miss a day (because frankly I think at this point you may find missing one, to make it up with 2 in one day, may not be the right choice for you right now), then try going to an early morning class and then go the next day at night time, as late as you can. You will have effectively given your body almost 2 days off.
Do that once a week if you can at least. You don’t have far to go. It is physically possible to do many, many days in a row. There are people who have committed themselves to a practice because of an outcome that is deeply personal such as, when I go everyday I don’t feel pain in my joints from arthritis. I am not saying you don’t have that kind of outcome, but that it is possible that people do commit to these challenges for reasons that could be simply to do 30 classes for the ‘challenge’.
Your body is telling you something! I am glad you have covered the basic nutritional aspects. Now it’s time to rest.
Ah, now I read your message again, you say you want to practice “a strong class”. Hmmm… is it at all possible that you are trying too hard? Using effort and not balancing it with enough ease and surrender? What tensions are you aware of in your body? Please let me know.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: hot yoga and toning #6321Hi Tara
I would be very surprised if you didn’t find your eating habits have evolved of their own accord over the next little while. If you truly need some help in 2 weeks, come back and ask. If not, come back in any case and tell us how you’re going. My guess is that you will be pleasantly surprised at the changes and how you feel in your body.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Feeling Pooped #6316Hi Emily
Here’s a suggestion for you: Are you willing to go to class and do the second set of each of the poses? It will be hard standing there for the first set, but it will give you a chance to practice your meditation skills. Please don’t stand anywhere different from normal (ie don’t sneak down the back with the justification that you don’t want to distract anyone). It will be easier if you have eye contact in the mirror.
See how you feel. Try to support yourself with good positive self-talk. In class, your time will be better spent directing your mind to a solution to create vibrant energy and stamina, than concerning yourself with working through or finding a reason for the problem.
If all goes well, then next class try first set only. Don’t push yourself according to teacher’s or your own agenda of what you have been able to do in the past. Work with what is.
It’s just a suggestion to see how your body is handling things. We haven’t spoken about the specific conditions in class. What is the temperature? Do you know? Is it just a guess? What about the humidity? Is it in your opinion (although based on subjectivity) too hot?
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: hot yoga and toning #6315Hi Tara
I hope that you have had some time to look around the forum to discover you are doing the right thing and you have come to the right place.
In case you haven’t yet searched here, you could start by reading some other threads. I used the search facility to find many with the word “cardio”. Use any search term you like.
Here’s the link to a great video that will help you around your mid-section:
Flatten Your Tummy And Strengthen Your Back. I have had amazing reports from people using this for several minutes daily/several times per week.
If you go to hot yoga 5 times per week even without the other forms of exercise you should be able to get your outcomes!
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: mysterious knee injury several months ago #6314Hi Wendy
I would like to ask you:
>> Are you still doing hot yoga? And if so, how often?
>> What makes the knee hurt now?
>> Do you happen to be aware of alignment issues? Are your hips even parallel to the ground, are the both facing forward?
>> Do either of your ankles fall in? (pronate?)
>> You say you sometimes get relief from muscle massage. Do you massage because your muscles there are hurting or in response to aches around the knee itself?Thanks for helping me with this. Hopefully we’ll both be clearer and maybe we’ll find a solution.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Loss of hair!!! #6312Hi Skhanna
To be honest I have never heard that one is more likely to lose lots of hair because of a hot yoga practice. Is that happening to you? If it is can you say how long it’s been happening?
Hair is constantly growing and it also constantly falls out. Sometimes you wash your hair and find your hands come out with no hair or a couple of strands and other times quite a lot comes out. Unless it’s interminable and lots are coming out then it is probably normal. There are also hair loss/growth patterns that have to do with hormones. Eg the patterns are different during and post-pregnancy.
I wonder if there is anything you can tell me that prompted that question. You may simply have been told that by someone (who?).
It’s great to read that you are seeing some great physical benefits.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: headstand vs. handstand #6311Hi Robin
I guess the differences are fairly obvious between the 2 poses in their approaches and what part of the body takes one’s weight. Headstands tend to be easier for the uninitiated to accomplish because many simply don’t have the strength to stay supported by hands, wrists and shoulders. Headstands however introduce potential problems with cervical spine compression. I have a friend who is adamant that his headstand practice at an Iyengar studio years ago is the reason he has sustained some permanent damage to one of his eyes. A handstand will not have this problem (although one really does have to learn how to fall from a handstand!) because the spine is not under any pressure.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: cant grab my leg! #6308Hi Jessica
I think it’s great that you are resistant to get too used to taking a short cut in your practice. However, in your case I would probably try a strap or a towel. Commit that it will be just a temporary measure and you will be OK. The pose mechanism that you set up by creating the traction will have you progressing towards your goal in a shorter time than the struggle that is occurring at the moment. Just be careful to externally rotate the arm, if you can, while you use your prop. This means thumb towards the back wall.
Oh, if you can grab the outside of your foot with thumb forward that would be a great place to start even though it doesn’t engage the exact pose mechanism.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Feeling Pooped #6307Hi Emily
I am guessing you’re feeling rather disconcerted about your recent experiences to say the least. Would you be willing to tell me either here or through the PM (Private Messaging) system how old you are? Perhaps you can also post or PM me with the answer to this: Is it possible that there are hormonal changes going on in your body that could be responsible for this turn of events. Your profession tells me you have probably thought of everything but it doesn’t hurt to ask more. I hope you don’t mind. Is it stress? a deficiency?
Would love to hear what directions of investigation you have discounted, ruled out or are considering.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Hot yoga and thoracic back pain #6306Hello Little Duck
I really can’t be sure how your problem has been caused. It would be pure speculation without more information or being able to see your practice.
For example, if you are feeling pain in your right shoulder, going into Standing Bow, you may actually be setting up some tension in your body to try and avoid further damage. This could be completely unconscious too. So while you are trying to heal your body the very treatment could be the culprit. It’s just an example NOT what I think is going on at this stage but it’s to demonstrate that there are many ways to look at your problem.
You say that you have been practicing for 8 months. Would you be willing to tell me if you have been practicing the hot yoga or Bikram series almost daily for that time?
but I have found that doing my regular hot yoga class, which I’ve been practicing for about 8 months, almost daily, seems to aggravate the back pain and set me back.
Can you tell me how long the pain that you talk about above, has been happening? I just want to understand what’s happening more clearly.
Oftentimes the answer will be the technique you have learned or stumbled upon through trial and error. It may be anywhere on the scale from excellent to poor. I hope we can narrow this down so we can get you back on track again.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: tender back after camel – normal ? #6305Hi Jeanne
Don’t get all caught up in the achievement of the perfect pose. I note your use of the word anxiety. In order to be in that state you are not only dreading the pose, but you are dreading that you are going to experience something untoward. This mental set-up (thinking! 😉 ) is not doing you any favors. Perhaps I could suggest a different approach for a while.
Next class squeeze your hips, push them forward with your hands on hips and just drop the head back. Maybe this is all you’ll do for a class or a set. There is no set schedule I can offer without seeing you or knowing your practice. Then just keep your hands in place and go back preserving your hips forward of your knees. You will know how far to go back. I would suggest a small distance to just regain your confidence. Little by little each class you allow your body to go back more and more. Keep focus on where you are looking (ie back and down and never up). Keep your shoulders relaxed to help facilitate a relaxed back. Lower body stays firm. I would do this for a few classes even after you have passed the point where you know you can easily pull on your heels.
Don’t worry about the home practice. Work on being present in class and work on allowing your body to be thoroughly warmed up. You have resistance at the moment and it is not just physical. Let go and at the same time do what needs to be done to be safe.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: very firm, lol! #6304Hi Jessica
Sometimes the problem is that it is so hard to truly surrender to gravity because it hurts – your feet hurt (and perhaps your legs or knees do too) against the hard and unforgiving floor. This causes your muscles to tense up which works against your real intention. If this goes part of the way to describe what it’s like for you then place a folded up mat or soft towel under your legs and feet. The idea is to create enough comfort to give up your body’s defenses. Now if you don’t want to do this in class, then I suggest you do it at home. You can try to do this with a cushion from your lounge chair.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Hands under feet? #6303Hi Jessica
Don’t worry! This pose will feel good to you very soon. Notice in the post just above yours there is a link to a post about hamstrings. Click on that and read it! Then apply the concept.
In a nutshell (still, read the blog post linked above. Promise me! 😉 ) you will step out somewhere around 3 – 3.5 feet. I don’t know your body’s limitations nor how tall you are so you will just have to trust yourself and experiment. You will bend your legs and straighten your back. Get your elbows near your shins by bending your arms and pull as indicated in the blog post. I PROMISE this will feel as if something USEFUL and ecological and efficient is happening in your body that serves to open it up and not just tug at your back and leg muscles.
If you have any trouble in understanding the technique then just come back to me.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Bikram Yoga & Fainting #6297Hi Ily, Annie and Jeffrey
Yes Ily, I have seen someone lose consciousness in class but it was only for a moment. He was in backbend (half moon) at the time and fell over. But he did get back up again! He was a real regular and amazingly went on with class as though nothing happened.
Annie, I am curious about what was causing your high heart rate 3 days after your adrenaline injection. As adrenaline has a clearance rate off minutes rather than days, I imagine it would have been something else. Perhaps another drug? An antihistamine? Emotionally affected by your ordeal? Stress? I guess you may never know. These things happen. Our responses are not always predictable even when all our ducks are lined up in a row, we could have an aberrant reaction.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: tender back after camel – normal ? #6296Hi Jeanne
There is some truth that the rest of the poses are in preparation or warm-up for your camel pose. You don’t have to do all the poses though if you really want a bit of practice. The idea is that your muscles are warmed through and when they are you are less likely to ‘hold’ on to things. This is in the physical and metaphysical sense.
What is the purpose behind your question? Are you wanting to practice your pose technique? Maybe you just need some suggestions on what to practice first.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Knee pain below kneecap #6290Hi Liz
I am surprised that you haven’t been given exercises to practise with a monthly check up and possible manipulation. Isn’t anyone willing to do that?
How does it feel now with some increased focus on your feet and legs?
You mentioned that you thought your quads were too tight in Pranayama so I wondered what could be going on… My next thoughts were about what your PT says about your hamstrings, quadriceps, hip flexors and muscles of lower back? Is there an imbalance between the different groups? The imbalance could definitely have been occurring for many years (as a result of some postural habits when you were young) and could have caused the tilt in your hips/pelvis. The positioning of your femurs could be, for example, due to over strong quads. It’s just a theory. If it is of muscular cause and this is a viable enquiry then some targeted exercises, at gym or at home could start to address this.
Gabrielle 🙂in reply to: Major setback. And so disappointed! #6289Hi Matthew
I know it’s hard to believe, but because this yoga is static (without the jump through movements of say Ashtanga or Vinyasa and maybe Power yoga) it is possible to strengthen your core BUT ONLY IF you know how to activate it first. There may be movements where you routinely keep it engaged and others where you don’t. So it really is worth having it checked out.
If you are still not any better then please find someone who can help you with the spasm! You really shouldn’t exercise around it.
I just located that newsletter and I’m just sending you via your private email! I am truly grateful for your comment and glad you love the forum
Gabrielle 🙂Hi Freia
Thanks for the DETAIL! :cheese:
I will take my time to answer these issues over the next day or 3! Ha. I will probably look at each of the poses queried. I may even take each pose and post a thread under each pose category – with your permission. The philosophy of it will probably stay right here.
I will certainly want to read and digest your words a few times. I know there are some other hints to your practice challenges in other posts elsewhere that I seem to recall…
We’ll reconnect soon. Maybe others will chime in with their thoughts in the meantime
Gabrielle 🙂 -