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  • gummisteph
    Post count: 41

    My gosh, its been over 3 years since this thread started and what do you know, I still count triangle pose as the bane of my existence and still the only pose in the bikram series that I just can NOT hold the entire time. Gabrielle, I would love to hear your 2 unorthodox approaches.

    Post count: 41

    Hey yoga20082008, just wanted to see what your experience was like getting breast augmentation and then returning to yoga. How long did you take off of yoga, and what struggles did you have when you returned? I’m thinking about getting a breast augmentation but they recommend taking one month (!) before any physical activity, and that seems just crazy to me! Anyway let me know what you experienced!

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: PMDD #7277

    Just reread all the posts here and wanted to give an update. The B-vitamins I was taking only made a difference for a few months and then the symptoms returned. I was so tired of being depressed that I just said “screw it” and went off birth control. I must say, everyone was right! I haven’t had any symptoms at all and I feel happier than I have in years and years! This might be related, might not, but I have noticed that since going off the pill I seem to have built up more mass (which I’m extremely uncomfortable with). My waist has grown about 2 inches and my hips by 1 inch. I have tried not to pay attention to things like weight or measurements, given my past with an eating disorder, but it’s really stressing me out! I am not overweight at all, I’m 5’9″ (175 cm) and weigh around 130 lbs (59 kilos), but I was really hoping that after practicing regularly for over a year, I wouldn’t be getting larger!

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: Hip pain #7031

    Just wanted to update in case someone else has this problem in the future. I think what Gabrielle said was right, that my strength just built up so much that it was pulling everything out of line. I took it easy for a few weeks and did extra stretches to stretch my hip, hamstring and gluteus muscles before and after class. Now I haven’t had any hip pain! But I continue to pay attention to my form more rather than just trying to go deeper. Thanks Gabrielle!

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: Hip pain #6764

    I took your advice and took a few days off. Actually, fate helped me out in that department because the day after I read your reply my car broke down and took a few days to be fixed, so no way to get to yoga! Haha. Anyway I have also been really relaxed and aware of my postures more in class. I think this is what you were talking about, because rather than the “push push push, must get better must get better” mentality I was working with before, I am much more introspective and actually quite calmer in class than before. I have actually noticed that rather than a hip joint pain that I thought it was, it has now become more of a pain that goes up my gluteus muscle on the right side and also up the front of my hip on the right side. I notice it hurts the most in triangle, tree pose, wind removing, fixed firm, and also during the final spinal twist, but only on the right side hip on all the poses. I am backing off on all these postures just until it only starts to hurt. Especially fixed firm, i have always been a knees all the way together, all the way down to the ground type girl, and now I am just seated with knees together and slightly going back. I agree that my body is probably readjusting, but also my alignment has certainly suffered because of my self-competitiveness. I am looking forward to continuing this yoga with a renewed sense of self-awareness and calm.

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: PMDD #6181

    I apologize for waiting so long to check this discussion! Anyway, to answer Gabrielle’s question, I started practicing almost 9 months ago. I am not sure I am ready to stop taking the pill completely, but if the symptoms persist I will consider it. I started taking a vitamin B complex about 3 weeks ago and this month, during my usual “crazy time”, I wasn’t crazy! Could be a placebo affect as I don’t know if changes can happen that quickly, but either way, I’m happy! I started a 60 day challenge on Jan. 1st and have been feeling wonderful! I thought maybe I shouldn’t try a challenge as I’ve been having these problems, and also I was worried that I wouldn’t be able to eat enough to keep up the energy. Strangely enough I have felt less hungry than normal and less shaky and irritable when I don’t eat. Although it is also normal for me to go a few weeks where I just can’t seem to eat enough and keep getting hungry to a few weeks where I don’t hardly feel hungry at all, its strange.

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: PMDD #6069

    Thanks for replying so quickly! Yes, I do have issues with eating enough food and the right type of food. I have a history of anorexia but have been recovered for about 4 years, but I think as a result of that period of my life, I now have hypoglycemia, whose symptoms can definitely be emotional sometimes, like if I haven’t eaten anything I get pretty disgruntled, angry and easy to annoy. I have tried keeping track of the calories I take in every day and I have a lot of trouble just eating enough. Usually by 6pm I’ve only taken in about 800-1,000 calories, and thats after I’ve already been to yoga class! I am not using my profession as an excuse, but it definitely makes a difference. I’m a baker, so not only do I work really long hours on my feet, but I am not usually able to take breaks even to eat. Usually I work until I’m about to pass out and then shove something in my mouth and then keep working. Also, most of what is available to eat isn’t very healthy. I usually have some scrambled eggs in the morning, toast with peanut butter in the early morning and maybe a small sandwich for lunch. I’m not really sure what to do. I think that this is definitely something to do with hormones/chemistry because of the consistency of symptoms but my eating could and probably does have something to do with it.

    Post count: 41

    I was the same way when I started about 4 months ago. I tried to go every day and if I ever missed I felt guilty! The turning point for me was a few weeks ago when I had a weeks vacation from work and went out of town to visit my family. Because of financial issues, I couldn’t afford to go to bikram for a whole week! I thought I would die or go crazy, but guess what? I didn’t. My body didn’t rebel against me and I was just fine. I did go to one regular yoga class and did yoga exercise videos about 3 times that week as well. What I discovered when I came back home and went back to yoga was that nothing had changed. The world didn’t end because I didn’t go for a week and my body didn’t need any adjustment to get back into the practice. I actually feel that time off helped me to let go of control and just accept that I do love this yoga but I also have a life! I don’t need to be making myself crazy over going to yoga or not. If I want to make this a lifelong practice it needs to be healing and relaxing, not stressful and guilt-ridden! I’m currently just listening to my body about what days I want to take off but I’m still practicing 4-6 days a week. Also, maybe on your days off, if you feel that bad, try out a different style of yoga or do an exercise video! That way you will still be working out but you will get a different perspective and maybe work out different muscles.

    Post count: 41

    I’m on the opposite side of the spectrum from you but would like to add my two cents. For about 8 years I have been struggling with body image issues, anorexia and just low self esteem. I thought that if I could just lose enough weight that I would be happy with my body, but surprise surprise! it just made everything worse. After starting this yoga not only has my self-esteem improved, but I don’t worry about what I eat hardly ever anymore (this is a huge huge step for me, because I had been living by obsessively thinking about food, what was good, what was bad, how would it affect my body). Also I’ve gained a lot of muscle (and therefore weight), but all of my clothes fit much better. Instead of just trying to lose weight to look good, as I did, I’ve discovered that it is much better to just get your body in shape and you will look as good on the outside as you feel on the inside! Also, my advice to you about food is just listen to your body, and try to eat healthy. When you are hungry, eat. and when you are full, stop.

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: tender lower back #5453

    Thanks Gabrielle! I would like to supplement the yoga with more core strengthening exercise, but at this point I go to yoga 5-6 days a week, work 40 hours a week and can hardly find enough time to wash the dishes and shave my legs, so I haven’t yet really felt up to trying to do any more exercise. I’m not trying to make excuses or anything, but I will try more to use my core more in class.

    My back tenderness, however, has gone away the past few weeks or so and I’ve noticed I can now go much further in my backbends than before. I asked an instructor about it and she theorized that as you deepen more than your back is used to, the muscles react and readjust (causing the tenderness), but eventually even out and then you can go deeper. Not sure if this is correct, but it seems to be true in my case!

    Post count: 41

    One of my instructors once told the advanced class I was in that saying “if the knee isn’t lock the pose hasn’t even begun” is just a Bikram-ism and not the be taken literally. She said that of course you are getting benefits in the posture either way, but Bikram wants people to make sure to lock the knee because if it is bending it can compromise the lower back and potentially cause injury. So, of course you will still get benefits, but locking the knee should be your first step before you move on to the next steps of the posture. Not only will it prevent any injuries, but it builds your quads and leg muscles like nothing else!

    Post count: 41

    I am 5’9″ and weigh around 120 lbs. I definitely didn’t want to lose weight doing hot yoga and it hasn’t happened! All that has happened is the small amount of excess fat I had on my body has shrunk and I’ve gained muscle, so the weight has just balanced out on my body. All of my clothes fit me still, just in a different way because my body shape has changed. I wouldn’t worry about losing weight doing hot yoga. I have heard that the yoga will change your body to the most ideal shape for YOUR body, so no matter what your body is like now, it will balance everything out.

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: First two classes #5361

    I know Gabrielle is going to answer your questions much better than I could, but I wanted to say something too. First, I have been practicing bikram yoga for almost 4 months, going to class 5-6 days a week. I’ve only recently noticed that the heat is not as much of an issue for me, so I guess you could say it took about 3 months of really consistent practice to get used to the heat. Although, I do live in Austin, TX where it has been over 100 degrees EVERY DAY for the past 2-3 months and it’s pretty humid as well so that may have affected how long it took me to get accustomed to the heat.

    The shaky legs are most likely due to your muscles getting used to the exercises and building muscles. I have problems with keeping my weight properly distributed over my standing foot, and have weak ankles, so I am often wiggling around quite a bit as well!

    To answer your question about the final breathing exercise, I totally relate to your apprehension, as I have struggled with panic attacks in the past and shallow breathing can freak me out too. All I can say is to do what your teachers say, that is, ONLY focus on the exhale from the belly, and the inhale will happen on its own. I remember that it took me at least a few weeks of classes before I felt comfortable that I was doing this exercise properly.

    I also wanted to say that you should be so proud of yourself for doing this! It has really changed my life and I know it will do the same for you as you move along in your practice. I think your goal of going 5-6 days a week is awesome! I went 6 days a week for 10 weeks when I started and I really believe it got me in shape fast so now I can move along quicker than if I had only gone a few days a week. Don’t judge yourself or think that you look “ridiculous” although this will probably fix itself as you continue going to class. I know that I was much more aware of how I looked and self-conscious when I first started and now I don’t really care! Know that no one else in the room cares, and probably doesn’t even notice the things that you are worried about! They are either so absorbed in their practice, or they are too absorbed thinking the exact same things about themselves! Good luck!

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: tender lower back #5342

    Thanks so much! It’s nice to hear that I’m not the only one! In class the past few days I’ve really been focusing on lengthening the back a lot before I start bending. I don’t know if that will help at all but I will now try to focus on my core more (hehe it rhymes). I did pilates a long time before trying out this yoga so i would think my core is pretty strong, but you never know. i still need to build a lot of strength to balance out my extreme bendiness and I suppose this is all part of it, right? My back has been steadily feeling better the past few days but I will still ask a teacher for some advice, as I obviously don’t want this to become a regular thing! I can’t really afford to go to any type of doctor or therapist, so I will see what happens.

    Post count: 41

    Well, here we go again. My seeming never-ending struggle with triangle pose. I started going to a newer, nicer studio closer to my house and work and that is when the trouble began. I was doing so well at the last studio, I swear! Anyway, the carpet in this new studio is VERY slippery. I’m not one to blame things on the carpet because it just helps you build more muscles, and I don’t know if that is the sole problem here. Anyway I have been going to this studio for almost a month now and STILL have not been able to hold the pose for the duration, not even once. I’m getting very frustrated, and have even been almost frustrated to tears in class before. I get my hip down low enough, keep my back leg straight, try to keep my body weight balanced and properly aligned, I keep my ulna at the knee, stretch arms opposite directions…..but i can’t hold it!! Either my feet slide apart so I’m almost in the splits, or my bending leg muscles just can’t hold any longer, they burn and shake and eventually I give up and have to stand while everyone else in the room continues to hold it. I am really really frustrated about this and I’m not sure what to do. Also, one of the stranger things I’ve noticed is when I am bending the right knee, my fingers don’t easily touch the foot, but when I’m bending the left knee my fingers automatically, easily touch the foot. Is it possible that my legs are just not strong enough yet, and I should just hold it as long as I can, and build from there? Is it more correct to have the alignment and set-up correct (i.e. bent leg at 90degree angle, hips low enough, etc) and not hold the pose the whole time, or is it better to modify by not getting hips low? I am really at a loss at this point and feel like a weirdo, because it seems like everyone else, no matter what their level, can do it, and I can’t.

    Post count: 41

    Does anyone know where I could find a list/pictures of the advanced moves? I’ve searched online but haven’t been able to find anything. I’ve heard people say there are posters that show all the advanced moves, but I’ve had no luck finding any!

    Post count: 41

    I’m hypoglycemic as well and have definitely noticed that bikram has stabilized my body a lot. I still have problems choosing foods too. I know exactly what you mean about feeling shaky during the standing series. I felt that way a lot when I first started practicing (probably the first month in) and I would get scared that I was going to pass out, but I never did. I really haven’t changed my eating habits since then, so I think that just going regularly to bikram did something! Eating before class is tricky for me also, because you have to balance what is enough time to not eat before class and still have some energy during class. I still haven’t figured it out, but going to 6am classes fixed that for me, because then I haven’t eaten in 7 plus hours, and I’ve never felt weak during those classes. Anyway, after class I have noticed that a lot of protein will make me feel good fast. I work at a bakery, so most of the options there aren’t for me, but I’ve found that some toast with peanut butter and a banana, or just some scrambled eggs make me feel great. Also I make sure to take either an emergen-c, some coconut water or an electrolyte enhanced drink every day. Good luck! And I’m glad to see that I am not alone in my problems with blood sugar!

    Post count: 41

    YogaLifer- Thanks so much for your advice! I’ve put your tips to use in class and while of course it doesn’t make it easy by any means it has helped me a lot! Definitely the counting of the breathing helps me, because most of the difficulty with this pose for me is that I’m in it and all I can think is, “when is this over, when is this over, say change! say change, please!!” So it is helpful for me to have something else to focus on.
    Kate- I totally agree with you about morning classes. The heat and humidity MAY be an issue but it is not cold or cool in the room by any means, so I think it is mainly mental as well. I have noticed a lot of times when I go to afternoon or night classes I go in thinking about how hard it is going to be, but in morning classes my mind is much more clear and less “monkey-minded”.

    In other news, today a teacher that is starting an advanced class once a week at my studio asked me to come. I told her I couldn’t because I had only been practicing for a month and a half (it was said that you should have 6 months of practice under your belt to come to advanced class). Her eyes sort of bugged out for a second and then she said, “oh, you can come.” It was a huge boost to me and underlined my progress in my mind. It came at a really good time, too, because I had been steadily improving but felt like I had hit a mini-plateau last week, so this is very good for my self-esteem.

    Post count: 41

    What exactly is the set up of the advanced class? They just started offering it at my studio, but i assumed I couldn’t take it as it was said that you should have 6 months of practice under your belt first, and I’ve only been practicing for a month and a half (although I’ve been going 6 days a week and am apparently naturally inclined toward yoga and naturally flexible). Today, however, the teacher that is leading the advanced class said I should come, and I said, “but I’ve only been practicing for a month and a half”. Her eyes bugged out and then she said, “oh, you can come”. I took it as a really great compliment, but I am also worried and a little intimidated about the advanced class. The instructor said that I shouldn’t be too worried as the class is just more advanced moves. I’m wary because I still have trouble getting through class without taking a break sometimes, although I can do most of the postures easily.

    Post count: 41

    Just wanted to add that I’ve been doing a 60 day challenge (going 6 days a week for 10 weeks) and am about to finish my 5th week..halfway there! I’ve improved a LOT but of course still have trouble, especially with triangle. I have worked to get my legs far enough apart and get my hips low enough, and sometimes I can hold the pose for the entire time and other times I can’t do it at all. I don’t know if it is an issue with my strength or my stamina. It’s probably both.

    My biggest problem is that once I get to this pose in class my heart is usually beating so fast and my breathing gets very hard to control, so I go into the pose and then feel really nauseous and like I’m going to pass out, throw up or both. I start to worry that if I push too hard I won’t be able to get through the rest of class (the spine series especially) so I back off or take a break. I always tell myself that I will push as hard as I can in this pose, but once I get there my body (or my mind) can’t seem to take it. I have noticed, however, that when I go to the 6am class I seem to have no problem with this pose stamina-wise and can push myself through it. I don’t know if it is that the room is less hot and humid, my body is not digesting food since I haven’t eaten for 8 plus hours, or just a mental block, but it is a lot easier in the mornings and I can often go the entire class without taking a break at all.

    One of my issues in life is that I’m a perfectionist, and I’m also naturally good at yoga (or so I’ve been told), so having this much problem with a pose is very frustrating for me. I’m sure this is a good thing because it will make me let go and not always strive or even care about being the “best”. I’m not a type A person at all, but I internalize a lot of things and judge myself harshly. Any advice or comments?

    Post count: 41

    I am very much like you (i think) in that it is very hard for me to motivate myself to exercise at home. I like to make my home really cozy (lots of blankets, pillows, soft lighting, etc) and it is not really conducive to wanting to get up and exercise. Plus, having the structure and discipline of a class makes me more motivated. I would do all I could to try to get to the studio if I were you. I totally understand, because I am on a VERY limited income, but am trying to budget this into my life because it’s very important for me and will probably end up saving money in the long run, on medical bills, diet programs, antidepressants, plastic surgery in the future (hahahaha) because it keeps you in such good shape!

    Post count: 41
    in reply to: Final Savasana #4760

    Thank you so much for replying! You told me just about what I thought…I was just unsure because I’m very new to this and figured that if the students weren’t paying attention to the teachers direction there must be a reason! I have been to 10 classes and stayed in savasana for a while afterwards to just unwind, relax and recover.

    Today, however, it was a really hard session for me where I had to take a break during class for about 20 minutes (this never happened to me before). Perhaps it is because I live in Austin, TX and the heat and humidity has steadily been increasing OUTSIDE, so it was really hot and humid in the yoga room.

    Anyway because I was so spent and eager to hit the air conditioning, I, for the first time, got up and left immediately after the teacher left. I don’t know if it was because my session was so taxing or because I left early, but I was very lightheaded and had to rest outside the room for a long time before I could change and go home. Anyway, I guess the moral of the story is that I should listen to my body, but try to stay in savasana until my heartrate at least stabilizes, so I don’t get so lightheaded and woozy feeling.

    Post count: 41

    I wanted to let you know that in class tonight, not only did I do triangle pose, I did both sets and didn’t have to use my hands to get myself up at all!! What really helped me was focusing on keeping the weight in the heel of my bent knee (trying to lift my toes on that foot really helped!) and I think it redistributed the weight more correctly. Also I put my arm higher up on my leg too. I felt so accomplished!! I’ve never been able to hold the pose for the whole time period, and i did both sets without resting! Anyway I noticed that my inner thighs are pretty sore after class, which is good because I think building those muscles will help me in yoga in general. Thanks so much!

    Post count: 41

    I tried paying attention to putting my ankles beneath my hands but that seemed to make it worse! My arms and legs are so freaking long its ridiculous. I can see why that would help..but maybe I am just not advanced enough to do this pose, not to mention that when I actually get into it I can’t stay there for long because either my feet start slipping or my heart just beats so fast and I get out of breath and have to rest. Is anyone aware of any modifications that would make this pose easier. I would rather do an easier modification than just have to sit it out. Its very frustrating to me because even though I’m a beginner, I have little to no problems doing any of the other postures.

    Post count: 41

    Tonight in class i focused more on tightening my inner thighs to get my legs closer together and also I stopped kicking my legs up once I noticed my legs starting to splay open more. Thanks!

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