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in reply to: Is daily yoga healthy? #22567
My right knee started to get sore left side of the knee cap, then on the way home after class crossing a road and 1/2 way across went to speed up coz a car coming, my right foot slipped back a little (snow) but enough to feel a discomfort. Did 22 days and taking a break and only had 8 days to go.
I would go to the Yoga class 1/2 an hour early and sit in full lotus, and in that pose do fish, peacock and cobra.
in reply to: Had to quit Hot Yoga #225592018 did pay for 3 months Hot Yoga then took a 3 month break to do some strength training till my shoulder and right arm acted up. Paid for 108 days mid Nov 2018, was I ever sore starting up.
I plan to stick with the Hot Yoga studio since my other option is a 35 min walk instead of 5, which is fine except for Winter weather and hot humid Summers in Canada.
in reply to: Is daily yoga healthy? #22558I challenged myself to 30 days of Hot Yoga, today is day 21 and no problems.
in reply to: It's Raining (inside) #22233I’m in Canada so this time of year is still snow, and acclimated to cold. I sweat so much it’s having a negative effect like mild heat exhaustion. I cut to a 3 day week but one of the days I do Tai Chi in the afternoon and it didn’t feel good as it normally was.
My pee is very dark after Hot Yoga and it takes all day to get it lighter, drinking 8X8. Next week will be twice a week then once I get past my 99 day deal I have 8 visits I can use anytime, then after that I’ll likely go to a regular studio.
Driving to the other bigger studio isn’t really an option and a long walk, about 45 mins, the regular studio is about 30 mins.
The other option is just practice at home. Both studios have a $5 drop in with new teachers which I can use and not be committed.
in reply to: Washing Yoga clothing everyday? #22192I have a bunch of tank tops and one 2 pairs of shorts, all cotton. I have a micro fiber towel that I rinse/wash after each class in the sink and every other day my shorts, if I run out of tanks I’ll wash in the sink, I hang this stuff on the shower rail and is dry the next morning. I’ve been going everyday.
in reply to: Greasing the groove #22187I bought a 99 day deal for $99 CDN, there is another deal for 99 days that’s for $139 these have a time limit before the regular 3 months unlimited at $325. There’s also community membership where it’s taken from your bank each month and that’s only $75 a month and I think that’s what I’m going to do.
So far I’m going daily.
in reply to: Source for Himalayan salt? #22170The others sweat but nothing like me, puddles form on my mat. I think the others are more use to Yoga practice plus I push myself to my best ability. If I’m in Warrior 2 I have my front thigh parallel, others tend to be more of an angle.
Back in 2015 I started Yoga at a studio that had an outdoor deck, it was summer and my first class had me break into a sweat but after a few classes I was fine.
So far I paid for 13 classess, after which I’ll plan my next payment plan.
The Hot Yoga studio is in a converted old house on the main floor, has the old trim, high baseboards etc so is groovy plus antique stained glass panel sliding doors entering the sanctuary.
in reply to: Source for Himalayan salt? #22168The Himalayan salt (all used up now) we got was in the bath type section can’t remember the brand, I was expecting some kind of scent but there was none. We also have a Himalayan salt lamp.
Our diet is well balanced so not worried, eat a banana after Yoga. I usually don’t sweat very much normally but when the class gets challenging that’s when the sweat really breaks out.
in reply to: Source for Himalayan salt? #22164I bought some Himalayan salt but sure it was for the bath which is what we used it for, got it at a health food shop. Was wondering what I should be doing after Hot Yoga since I sweat buckets.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by
Henry. Reason: typo
in reply to: Bikram and getting older #22163I turned 65, Nov 2017 retired from working construction. It has been 9 months since going to Hot Yoga, did some regular Yoga during last summer but not much. My apartment has a workout room so have been doing some weights/multi station but did get back to Hot Yoga.
After my 1st class I felt it the next day and have been 3 times since, doing quite well and have big goals set. I have been Vegan for 6 months+ but recently have added a small amount of occasional cheese, some foods that have egg such as mayo. Just this week added some fish, at first some sardines and today had fish and chips. Plan to include yogurt to the shopping list.
I just plan to work at it and see if my diet helps. I use to do the crow with ease but seems like that’s gonna need much work, I can do the pose but get shaky.
2015 I was doing Yoga steady for 8 months almost daily, my tree was getting worse, took a Tai Chi break from Yoga and my tree greatly improved. I plan to blend both Yoga and Tai Chi and Calisthenics, one goal is to do one leg squatting again, I use to do 3 each leg.
Recently got back to going to Yoga, but not the Hot Yoga. The classes have involved tree poses and found my balance was back on track with very good tree pose variations. Last class involve toe balancing even one legged with the other leg over the thigh and squat down, very tough that one.
Since selling our house and moving into an apartment my Tai Chi practice has increased, and have been focusing on one leg balancing as I move. My Tai Chi is fairly advance and not the basic senior style but more like Kung Fu, I also do sword and saber forms.
a friends video…
Getting more into this focus has greatly improved my balance even outdoors on a windy and gusty day. So it’s all about putting in the practice.
Doing my Yoga at home nowadays but there will be into outdoor Yoga on the green during our hot summer. There’s quite the large gathering there.
in reply to: Had to quit Hot Yoga #218652015 I did yoga at a studio that has an outdoor cover deck, Summer here can be very hot and humid. At that time it was something like Hot Yoga but was acclimatized. My experience with the Hot Yoga classes was in the cold winter which didn’t seem natural. For now my practice will be in my apartment which is quite sunny.
in reply to: Had to quit Hot Yoga #21856<p class=”qtext_para”><b>It’s possible but not definitively proven that heat reduces the production of testosterone in the body</b></p>
<p class=”qtext_para”>My apartment building has a swimming pool, whirlpool and sauna. Searching online it seems more to do with sperm count so at 64 not something for me to worry about. I do work construction so like to keep my strength up, also do a little weight training.</p>
<p class=”qtext_para”>I read online that the red head thing was to do with the body cooling down. The other problem of mine is hydration, I’m not one to drink water much and felt I couldn’t hydrate properly doing hot yoga, I did sweat a hell of a lot.</p>in reply to: Had to quit Hot Yoga #21851The testosterone question was separate from the red head and neck which still happens after a bath. I read sometime ago that hot baths are not so good for men, cold showers are recommended practice, so wondered if a hot yoga room was something similar as hot bath.
in reply to: Smoothies vs Juicing #21818Celery juice is said to be better than sport drinks for hydration because of the natural sodium.
My balance use to be very good for poses like tree then I reached a certain age (now 64) and balance changed to my feet wanting to jiggle about. Even the crow pose is shaky, could do it with ease and variation with legs to the side. But I’ve been out of the practice and now have to train harder and more often.
in reply to: help with balance #21798I’m 64 now, first did some Yoga in 1973 my balance was great. I got back into Yoga 2015 and found my balance had changed, mostly with the feet wanting to jiggle about.
in reply to: How do I add a profile image ? #21793Thanks Robert, I’ll look into it.
in reply to: Smoothies vs Juicing #21790Me and my wife have been juicing for many years now and it’s usually always carrots, beets, celery, apple, ginger andother veg parts such as broccoli stalks. More recently we got a blender (magic bullet) so add this juice to it and add yogurt, peanut butter, almonds, grapes with seeds and flax seeds. Fruit we eat as is, banana, pear, orange and apple.
We make a batch of juice to last a couple of morning smoothies.
in reply to: So what do you wear? #21789Posted by Jared
jeans and a tee shirt.
I first started Yoga back in 1973, wore my Levi’s to class each time, it was Sivananda style not Hot Yoga. I wore my jeans everyday so they didn’t restrict in anyway. I’ve done causal home practice now and then over the years but mainly have been into Tai Chi since 1979. 2015 I wanted to get into some regular practice and and did 8 months mostly on an outdoor covered deck, see link …
there I wore cotton army like shorts and tank top, and this is what I wear to Hot Yoga at this studio …
They have 2 locations, the one I go to is in a converted old house and not pictured on the website. Pity coz the antique sliding doors are cool. The shorts are a bit over the knees so sometimes will have to pull them back, otherwise OK.
This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by