I too have a constantly runny nose in class, but it also runs a lot out of class. I’ve always had it. It’s called nasomotor rhinitis or non-allergic rhinitis. The humidity of the hot room triggers it big time, so I just keep a private stash of kleenex within easy reach to reduce disruption and stuff the used tissues in a little cosmetic bag next to it so their not visible (I go through about 5 or 6 tissues per class). I don’t have the sneezies so that’s not an issue. For you parents reading this, remember when your kids were little and got stuffy noses, we took them into a closed bathroom and ran a hot shower to generate steam to clear their heads? That’s what the hot room does for me 🙂 I don’t take anti-histamines because they raise my heart rate which at my age (62) could be dangerous. An annoying but not disabling problem.