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hello Gabrielle,
I have finished painting and did a bikram class again. I had no dizziness anymore . I still take care not to move too much with my head, I think that it has to be with muscular involvement and I probably did too much.
Thank you for your answers!
Hi Gabrielle,
Yes, it was house painting:-) I was dizzy and losing balance, it was like a trip around the world with nausea.I feel fine now, but the first week after the dizzyness I was tired. Someone told me that the crystals in my ear did move because I was too much moving up and down my head by the painting. I was just taking since 3 weeks chlorella and spirulina, nothing else.And 1 day I did paint an afternoon, then I went to a bikram class and after the class again painting for 3 hours. Was it too much??? I am still taking care about the movements with my head so I am wondering if I still have to wait practicing bikram or not. The doctor prescribed me to take revitalose, it’s vitamine C and 5 amino acids. I always listen to my body and I am just wondering that I was not really feeling tired during this painting weeks, because the yoga gives me energy, but now I have a double feeling. I like the bikram yoga but I am not that enthusiastic to start again wit the yoga, a little bit scared that I am practicing too much.
Thanks a lot for answering me so quickly