Those with disabilities may greatly benefit by reading Tonya Zavasta’s book, “Raw Food and Hot Yoga.” She has x rays on the cover of her book showing her two titanium hips. She overcame severe disability through eating a raw foods diet and doing hot yoga. Her book is well researched and was written to introduce raw foodists to hot yoga and vice versa. But its so much more, as she gives the very best anti-aging advice ( your diet and when you eat are the biggest and only scientifically proven factors!), based on extensive research. She’s over 50 and has the body of an 18 year old (no-joke, I saw her in person at a lecture twice! Her skin really looks like it does in photos). More importantly her neck and face are youthful too. Anyway, she has a lot to say to those with disabilities. She has a website called Without that book I never would have heard of hot yoga, but here I am! Raw foods will also help tremendously with healing a disability. Best wishes to your friend!