Knees have been on my mind a lot, especially concerning this pose. When I did it for both my doctor and my physical therapist, they were shocked and told me not to do it. I used to be really vain about my flexibility, but my knees became very sore last summer when I was doing at lot of hot yoga (and having the instructor sometimes stand on my thighs in this pose!). I’m also not to sit in half lotus at my desk, which I also did for long periods of time.
Today, I was at a particularly strict Bikram class and I tried to modify for tree (I used one washcloth behind my bent knee and held my foot with another). I understand that this style of yoga doesn’t encourage props, so I guess I shouldn’t have done it. The instructor called me out and I told him I had a sore knee. He responded that I needed to drop the washcloths and that the stretch was good for my knee (“stop looking so sad, you in the red top”).
I’m practicing knee-strengthening exercises given to me by the PT and they’ve helped a lot. I guess what I need to learn most is humility.
Wendy :down:
Oh–what I have now is patella-femoral syndrome: chondromalacia patella.