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  • soosangles
    Post count: 5

    My diet is fairly balanced re carbs and proteins. May try eating more carbs.

    I will certainly continue with other forms of exercise. I have done a lot of Yoga in the past and found when I concentrated on Hot Yoga that I was losing my suppleness in certain areas so need to do the two, plus I also love doing some of the pump/weight classes – low weights, lots of repetition.

    Muscle Metabolism – I know nothing about that. Will google.

    Cheers – Sue Angles

    Post count: 5

    Hi Sue,

    I googled this in the past, because I had a similar experience. What I found was that the ammonia smell is related to higher protein in the diet. I guess that’s why cat urine smells like ammonia! :bug: For me, it is something that varies, sometimes it occurs, sometimes not. I do tend to include more protein in my diet, so I figured it was just related to that.

    Post count: 5

    Yes the sweat does smell strongly of ammonia. I noticed a towel I’d used for the 2nd time absolutely reeked!!!! I googled this and found quite a few people experience this with Hot Yoga and the smell is ammonia. No one went any further to explain why or if it eventually goes.

    I did still do a bit of my other activities, although life got in the way of them, so it was more concentrating on Hot Yoga.

    After finishing a class it differed with recovery, just like all yoga classes differ, with balance, movement etc. Sometimes I’d recover almost immediately and feel great, and others it drained me and I just wanted to lie down and rest (I didn’t!). Last time I went was the worst as it was a very muggy day outside and the HY Room was unbearable. Everyone noticed including the instructor who keep opening the door. I didn’t enjoy the last 45 mins and it really drained me. I haven’t noticed the temperatures but know sometimes it is slightly lower and I find that more tolerable. It is supposed to be 37 degrees.

    I do drink heaps of water, prior and a little during, so it’s no water deficiency.

    Nothing is different in my eating or drinking.

    I haven’t been back for a month and find I am still sweating more than before, it is less offensive, although I need a stronger deodorant at this point.

    If you google this subject (as I’m sure you have) you will find a lot on it – but no theories/answers.

    Thanks Gabrielle …..

    Post count: 5

    I do a fair amount of exercise – Body Pump at the gym, and various other activities. Also yoga – have been doing that for years.

    Always felt I was lucky ‘cos I never ever smelled of perspiration, let alone BO and didn’t sweat that much with normal activities. Now I find I am dripping during normal exercise & my sweat smells really bad!!!!!!!!!

    Wondered if the odour was part of eliminating toxins from the body. I did Hot Yoga for 2 months, 3-4 times a week. Mostly I enjoyed it but times the heat was unbearable. I have now bought your HY Masterclass and am waiting for the DVD’s to arrive. Think I’ll do it mostly at home in a warm room, with the occasional visit to the class.

    :sick:Sue Angles

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