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  • staceyg
    Post count: 6

    Hi Gabrielle. Thanks for the PM, however I’ve been trying all day to reply to it, but neither the link in the email notice I rec’d, nor the link on this site itself, seem to be working. I keep getting an error message, something about the url being too long? I’ll try again tomorrow, but thought you would want to know if there’s a prob with your site. stacey

    Post count: 6

    Hi again.

    I was in a smaller class yest with an experienced teacher, who noticed I was struggling with standing head-to-knee when standing on my left leg. After noticing this, he gave me lots of personal attention for the rest of class, including coming over and shifting my hips in separate leg head-to-knee, bringing the hip of my front leg back and the hip of my back leg forward. When he did this, the pose was MUCH harder for me and I felt it much more in my abs. He suggested I really work on this pose to work on the alignment of my hips.

    I look forward to whatever you are going to send me via personal message!


    Post count: 6

    Hi again.

    I am not currently seeing any therapists, was hoping yoga would work this out, which I think is happening.

    There have been some changes in my hips since I wrote the original question a few months back, and currently my left hip feels pretty good, altho I am still just staying in part one of fixed-firm…funnily enough, now my butt doesn’t touch the ground in part-one. Originally I could get my knees together and go back, but now I am sitting with my knees apart. (another reason I think my hips are shifting is that my inner knees are pretty sore, and my knees feel weak…I have re-gressed in my progress in toe stand for instance, in that right now I can’t support myself for even a second once I’m down…I was never great in toe-stand, but used to be able to hold the pose for a couple of seconds, but not now, so I’m just doing a 2nd set of tree.)

    I’m a massage therapist, so have a really good knowledge of how the body works and how the various parts fit together and what SHOULD happen (in a perfect world!) One teacher accused me of over-thinking all of this, and said “just do it” (whatever I can do) and not get too analytical about it all. And while I recognize this as good advice, my training and curiosity often get the better of me as I work on re-aligning my body. And all that feedback from the mirror just makes me even more curious! lol (it used to frustrate me, but i’m past all that now.)

    Thanks Gabrielle, I really appreciate all you do for us hot yogi(ni)s! Keep up the great work!


    Post count: 6

    Thanks for replying!

    My left leg is slightly longer than my right, altho I think this is related to ilial rotation…but I’m not sure which ilia has rotated; whether it’s left posterior or right anterior. (that’s something I haven’t been able to figure out.) The leg length discrepancy is minor and doesn’t cause either leg to look more knock-kneed than the other.

    Thanks Gabrielle!

    Post count: 6

    Hi again!

    I got the Master Class set and am loving all the info in it, however still have my question above. Can you plz shed any insights?


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