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  • stickymat
    Post count: 24

    I’m trying to figure out when your hands would slip in a Bikram class? Can you say what pose that is? Also, do you have a towel on top of your mat?


    No, I haven’t memorized the names of the poses yet. And no, I didn’t have a towel on top of my mat. I kept one off to the side, but I have to admit that I didn’t think to lay it down on top of the mat!

    Post count: 24

    Hi Stickymat

    no, probably not! You’ll get used to and it’s possible you’ll sweat less. Do you happen to notice lots of other people with yoga socks or gloves on? I would be interested to know

    Gabrielle 🙂

    Well, I didn’t pay close attention to the other people in class, with the exception of the people to my immediate left and right, respectively. They weren’t wearing gloves or socks though.

    Post count: 24

    Yes, the sweating is definitely PROFUSE, ha ha!! I’m very glad I found this website before I went to class for the first time. Otherwise, I might not have had to courage to go the class at all! I always get nervous about trying new things for the first time, especially in a class setting. But like I said, the first class went great so I’m going again this evening. I’ll have to bring about twice as much water this time around!! 🙂

    Post count: 24

    Thanks for the reply, bunni. 🙂 I haven’t been to class yet, today, but I’m interested to see what happens afterwards as well. If it happens again this evening, I believe I will switch classes and go later in the evening!

    Post count: 24

    Hi there,
    I have had some similar issues in finding a Bikram class that is close enough for me to get to a few times per week.
    I tried doing Bikram in my VERY small bathroom while running the shower and heater.
    I was able to do all except I floor pose. Which required me to extend my arms while on my stomach.

    I read somewhere that someone had used a greenhouse as a studio, and found it to be successful.
    I would be able to use part of my basement to do so. That way a small area would only need to be heated, rather then an entire room. I have a standing space heater. That would do the trick, and could maybe get a humidifier.

    My boyfriend thinks I am crazy even considering this idea.
    Especially after my reaction when he opened the bathroom door, after it took me an an hour or more to set up the space.

    I have the class on my iphone, and can go through the class.

    I just need some advice about my minimal space situation.

    Any suggestions/ideas would be great.


    Luckily, I was able to find a studio nearby that offers Bikram yoga classes, but if I hadn’t been able to do that, I was going to do the exact same thing you did and try to turn my bathroom into a mini-yoga room! Nice to know I’m not the only one that ever thought about doing yoga in the bathroom, ha ha!

    Post count: 24

    It went fairly well for my first time; thank you for asking! I was a bit sore yesterday but today I’m mostly back to normal. I cannot believe how much I sweated! I had to modify some of the movements but the teacher said my form looked really nice, so I’m proud of that. I’m going again tomorrow afternoon. 🙂

    Post count: 24

    Is there anything that a person could do to prevent these cravings? Would electrolyte supplementation prevent the cravings or just decrease how frequently they occur?

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Hot Yoga At Home #9987

    Thanks for the reply, Robert. 🙂 I do want to include heat and humidity, since that sets hot yoga apart from other forms of yoga which are not as… temperature sensitive, I guess you could say, so I will definitely check out the home practice kit. Thanks again!

    Post count: 24

    Thanks, Robert. 🙂 I’m past the point of sneezing and carrying a box of tissues around with me everywhere I go – FINALLY! – and the fever is also gone as well, so I don’t think I’m contagious anymore. Since the humidity helps with congestion and breathing, I believe I will go ahead and try to find a hot yoga class. 🙂

    Post count: 24

    I think you and I are in the same boat, more or less. I’m overweight as well, but I’ve had a weight problem for so long now that I can’t remember how much of a problem the red/blotchy skin was when I wasn’t overweight. I think that if being more in shape causes this to be less of a problem for you, that you should definitely go forward with the hot yoga, because it’s going to shape you up and help alleviate the problem in the long run. 🙂

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Juice Fast? #9976

    So, if you were to fast for weight-loss purposes, how long is too long? Should you take a break from juice fasting after those 7 days?

    Post count: 24

    Wow – I am afflicted with the same condition (if you could call it a “condition”) as you, dosomethin888. No one else in my family has this problem, nor do any of my friends, so for YEARS I have thought that I was the only one like this! While it’s definitely embarrassing, especially when people draw attention to it by asking you what it is, it’s nice to know I’m not the only one!

    Just out of curiosity, do you workout? If so, does working out aggravate it?

    Post count: 24

    Thanks for the link, Wendy. Being new to the website, I’m still learning my way around. 🙂 When I first read that, I thought it said, “You’ll find exercises for strengthening you lower back and MORE.”, but when I went back and read it again, I realized that it actually says, “…and CORE.”, so I’m looking forward to watching the video, since it balances out one muscle group with the other. 🙂

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Juice Fast? #9965

    Sticky mat refers to that sound that the mat makes when you unroll it. 🙂 I’m not so new to exercise that I’ve never unrolled a yoga mat before; I just don’t have much experience with yoga. 😉

    I had no idea that juice fasting could be so beneficial. Exactly how does it work? How long are you supposed to fast for? Two weeks, like Jessika?

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Calves Cramping #9956

    I also have problems with my calves cramping from time to time. I’m new to yoga though, so luckily I haven’t had them cramp during any poses yet. Rather, mine tend to cramp in my sleep, and when I talked to my doctor about it, she actually recommended I start eating a banana everyday to increase my potassium intake. Maybe that would help you, too. =)

    Post count: 24
    in reply to: Juice Fast? #9955

    I’m new to the forum and noticed this thread, so I thought I’d pop in and say hi. (Hi!) I’m also new to yoga and I’ve never fasted before. What are the benefits of juice fasting?

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