Hi Gabrielle,
I am very flexible, however I have a herniated disc at the L5 – S1 area and am suppose to avoid bending at the waist (flexion)
I am able to do all the poses that involve extension. Do you have any suggestions for what I can do during the Bikram yoga poses that involve flexion and still get the benefits?
Thanks, Robin confused
Posted by Robin on 01/21 at 04:51 PM
Hi Robin
Would you kindly give me a little more information? What level of pain are you in? How severe are your symptoms? On a pain scale of 1-10 would you be able to tell me where you are?
There are some ways to get around some of the poses whose entries could worsen the problem, but the pose itself is a godsend. Other poses there are ways to perform them depending on your level of pain!
When you write back perhaps you can talk about those poses which you intuitively have avoided or have developed your own modifications for.
Happy to help!
Gabrielle 🙂