Many days in the making, this 37 page doc contains oodles of excellent free advice on “How To (SAFELY!) Upgrade Your Hot Yoga Practice“. In this blogpost, a few short words about what you’ll find and if it will be useful to you… and then of course, the link to download your free 37 page ‘report’.

In all likelihood, it speaks to many frustrations you have experienced in your own practice, in studios around the world, whether as a student or even as a yoga instructor. Robert (the Hot Yoga Hubby) says it’s 37 pages of distilled gold he wishes he had when he started hot yoga in 2000 for his own practice (and he said ‘for his own life too!’ It’s almost embarrassing to tell you that!).
So, who should read this report?
1. If you are new or relatively new to your hot yoga practice (under 6 months) and you are loving it! – but you are wanting ways to broaden your practice and deepen your understanding. You want hints and tips and the basics completely explained.
2. If you are a longtime practitioner of yoga or hot yoga and want to lift your practice out of the routine. How do you keep your practice fresh and new so that it continues to evolve, surprise and delight you?
3. You are a teacher who is looking to find a new edge to teach to; to find new motivation and inspiration.
4. You are a new (or even experienced) teacher who wants to rise above ‘the dialog’, lift it out of auto-pilot delivery, and bring to it something that will ALWAYS inspire and motivate your students and yourself.
Download the report: Click Here To Download
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