Click here to discuss Salabhasana – Locust Pose in the forum
- Similar benefits to Cobra pose and even more effective in helping intervertebral disc conditions and sciatica
- Firms buttocks and hips
- Increases spinal strength, flexibility and circulation
- Improves upper body strength
- Improves flexibility and tone of spinal muscles
- Helps relieve and prevent backache
- Improves digestive system
- Increases abdominal pressure and regulates intestinal function
- Strengthens the abdominal wall
- Helps correct bad posture
- Improves function of liver and spleen
- Strengthens shoulder, arm and back muscles
- Compresses and opens spine
- Relieves cervical spondylosis and back pain
- Encourages concentration and perseverance
- Your hip stays on your forearm
- Actively push your hands into the floor
Check that you:
- Push your shoulders and not just your hands into the ground
- Have your resting leg completely relaxed and not assisting in the elevation